Sunday, January 4, 2009

What a wonderful Christmas we had. Our excited 6 grandchildren make it so special. The faces they make when they are opening there presents. And better yet the facial expressions they make when there cousin is opening theirs. I love making people happy. Not just at Christmas time with presents, but with laughter, with fixing biscuits and sugar water, sewing up a hole in a stuffed pillow, with just us walking thru the door. The weather has been nice and the kids were able to play outside in shorts a couple of days.

The New year came and went dosen't give me much excitement except the 2 minutes it takes the grandkids to walk outside bang on the pots and pans and hollar happy new year to the tops of there lungs. Then I say good night and go home and go to bed.

Phil, I and Becki ended up with a severe stomach bug which took us 3 days to finally say I feel better. Yet some of us still question that statement.

We are packing up to move our home once again. This time we are going on vacation. We have been on vacation every year for the past 3 years but we come home to go on vacation which is wonderful. Well this year we are going on vacation to AZ to visit some cousins of mine. I have been wanting to do this for several years and now that we are actually going I feel terribly sad to leave my kids and babes. If is always so very hard to leave them.

Tomorrow I go and visit my mom and dad for a short time. They already think I have left town and will question me as to where I was and where I'll be going. They can now receive email so my goal to is email them and send them pictures of where we are 4-5 times a week. They won't remember from one day to the next but Peggy, social director, has said she'd help them to re-read them so they know that I do contact them. Is this for me or for mom and dad? That is the 62,000 dollar question.

How is this for my first blog since July? I just hope I can remember how to do it all again. haha

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