Sunday, January 25, 2009

Phil's big weekend

I went to the Pima Air Museum Friday with
Marilyn's cousin John. This is a OV-1C . A
friend that I graduated from high school with flew an air plan like this over Turkey, Central and South America during Iran Contra. He was based at the Army Base here in Tucson.

This airplane is a neat ole sea plane built in the 30's and has been completely restored.

This is one of two B-52 that carried the X-15 in the empty pod on the wing. The hash marks on the body of the plane shows how many flights it had.

This is a EC-121, one of these was shot down while I was in Korea. In civilian life it is called a Super Connselation. This was designed by Howard Hughes for TWA. In 1958 my uncle Bill Day flew to the oil fields in So America on one of these TWA planes and sent me a picture post card of it.
This little plane is a Twitty Bird, T-37, John is
standing next to. I worked on the A-37 model
when I worked at Cessna in Wichita.

Saturday I went to downtown Tucson to the John
Dillinger Days. They arrested 4 members of the
gang 75 years ago here in Tucson. They do a re-inactment of a bank job they pulled back east somewhere as well as the capture of them here.

This is a 1930 2 door Ford that a father bought for his son in 1964. The son wanted a muscle car in high school but his father bought him this in-stead and he rebuilt it while in school. See the water bag hanging off of hood ornament.

These are two of the Thompson Machine Guns that they took from the Dillinger Gang. They are insured for a million dollars each.

A close up of a water bag on the back of a 30 Ford Coupe. The canvas bags would sweat, when the air hit the bag it would cool the water for drinking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved all the pictures from the last 2 blogs. Fun to hear from Phil, too! Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time and seeing lots of neat things. Keep up the blogging and letting us know what you're doing and seeing. Say hi to all the family out there. Love, Patty