Thursday, January 22, 2009

? answered

We were just plain lazy Monday-lounged around most of the day and then went to Furr's for a late lunch. We ended up at an RV dealer "shopping". I hate shopping. I mean I really don't like to shop. Saw some really nice RV's but nothing that we really don't already have in ours.

Tuesday we stared at the TV watching the inaguration of our new President. I liked President Bush. I feel he was president at a very tough time (I know he helped make some of it that way) but I also feel he was good. The things that we are hearing that President Obama wants to do scare me too. But I think we need to give him a chance. I love the way that Michelle and him look at each other, he will need her love the next four years because we as a people turn on others way to fast.

Now to answer some questions being asked:--- Tom Mix was an old silent cowboy actor who was driving to fast in the desert, came upon a gulley being worked on. His metal suitcase in the back seat came forward and hit him in the back of the head and broke his neck.---Wyatt Earps outhouse door handle Phil read about on the internet so he went on a "road trip" to find it SURPRISE it wasn't there.---Larry, Moe and Curly were the Three Stooges-a funny (in those days) comedy act.---yes I sent grandma and grandpa the pictures of us. Come to find out Terry and Barb had the same picture under the same tree when they were here.---Casa Grande is in Az it is the adobe dwelling indians we don't think you were here you were at Mesa Verda in Colo.---The painted desert we went thru at night and never let Dad forget it.---The Great Sand Dune National Park in Colo we all saw.Dad went on another road trip yesterday he found a winery and toured it. He got a wine glass that says: "Elgin makes wine. NAPA makes auto parts." (Thought Laramie would enjoy that). He had a great time was a good day for the ride.

Rained last night and there is water in the gullies so we are going up into the mountains there we should find snow. We will send pictures if we find some snow (as if you all don't see enough).


Andie said...

hey...glad YOU updated!! ;o) Sounds like you are all having fun! Keep having fun, and enjoy the nice weather! It was beautiful here the past few days, but we are supposed to pay for it from now till sometime next week. Freezing rain, sleet, snow on the agenda for Sunday night (just in time for Hubby to go to Bazine...hopefully he'll make it home!) through Tuesday.

Love ya-

Loni said...

I'm glad you are having such a good time. Those pictures are wonderful...really makes me want to travel out there sometime. That being said, we sure do miss you around here. I could use a lunch date at Connie's with my wonderful Aunt and Uncle!!! Be careful, have a lot of fun, and keep updating us as often as possible.
Love you lots,