Friday, January 23, 2009


I know back home you may have snow this week end, well I wanted to see snow too. Sooooooo we set out to find snow today. The temperature in Tucson this morning is 58 degrees. Tucson is approximately 2500 ft elevation and Mt Lemmon is over 9000 so we headed for the mountains.

On the way up the mountain I saw color. I don't know
what kind of bush this is but it was colorful among all the
brown and greens of the desert.
Then I went crazy when I saw the magnificent rock formations.

Then we were up high enough we started seeing pine trees.

It was foggy up on the mountain. The higher we got the thicker the clouds.

Just enjoy the pictures

Then we saw what we came to see. The temperature
was now 44 degrees and our elevation was 7600 ft.

We saw SNOW. Didn't see much snow but then again we couldn't see hardly 1 block in front of us due to the clouds.

So we decided that this was high enough for today and that we would have to return to Mt. Lemmon some other day. We returned to Tucson where it was raining and had been off and on for most of the day. We had a great day. Phil and John are going to the Flight Museum and Bone Yard tomorrow so I'll let me write the blog. Please tune in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

coool pictures maybe someday I could visit the desert, maybe