Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sorry to diegress but this picture is from Bottomless Lakes. The pinkish is the cliff, the grey the grasses and then you have there reflection in the water. It was absolutely breathtaking. I actually looked in the water saw the reflection and thought that it was an empty hole.

We went thru the Saguaro State Park and saw alot of these cactus. They are so tall and almost human looking. The birds make a nest in them but they heal themselves and so the nest dosen't hurt them. They are so awesome to see especially against the blue sky. The windmill behind in the picture just reminds us of home-Kansas. I'm just a little homesick today can you telll?

OK the Yucca plant at the top of the page was supposed to go here. We took the picture along the highway as we got into Az. We wanted to stop so we could get one for Michelle since we killed her other ones. How many did you want?????

We started our day today with a pancake breakfast here at the RV park. Phil made some peanut butter and took up for the pancakes. Tonight they play BINGO. They say no kids allowed - I'm wondering what kind of BINGO do they play. Phil was tired so he went to bed by 7 so I guess we will find out next time.
I think we will like this park it is smaller than most but still probably 150 sites. We can see palm trees and also the mountains when we set outside on our cement patio. Has a heated pool at 84 and the sun shines and is warm feels good. They have a monthly calendar with lots of activities. Granted these activities I always thought were for OLD people, whoops I think we might belong in that group here.
We paid this morning for a month, it was cheaper than 3 weeks, we have a post office box and a news letter and I cried. Yes you read that correctly. I called home and telling about our vacation I was overcome with emotion that we might actually be gone a month.
We are enjoying our no schedule, no alarm clock, do as we want, when we want time. We miss our families back home alot. So cards, letters and phone calls are welcome.
These Phil named Larry Moe and Curly


Anonymous said...

wow that yucca was so bigg compared to the ones back in old boring kansas. so hows larry moe and currly doing? P.S. who is larry moe and currly? my mom told me to ask grampa i exspect a full story withlove,

Anonymous said...

Mom It is tuesday you played around yesterday how about pictures of your "trailor court" and area so the kids can see where you are staying. I am glad you had such a good time with Linda and Johnny yesterday.
Love always,