Wednesday, January 14, 2009

home for us today

Welcome to a tour of the RV park we are staying in. Prince of Tucson is just off of I-10 and is one of many many many other RV parks. The people here seem to be really nice and friendly.
The picture on the Left is the office and area
where they meet for games, parties, crafts. The
pool is in the back of the building. The BBQ is there in front (you can see it better in the picture
below. Also below is the shuffle board area and the only place where grass is growing.

Here is the pool if you look close you'll see the
steam rising up off of it. I took all these pictures
early in the morning on my morning walk.

This is the laundry building and restrooms and showers. It has 6 washers and dryers. Look at
the moon in the Western sky.
The picture below is looking to the NE of our
home (5th Wheel) Palm trees are all around
us but no coconuts.

This picture shows our home looking to the South
Our neighbor to the right has a little tree with a
few oranges on it. They have been here since Nov
from Washington so they have flowers etc.
The picture below is standing in our driveway
facing the West. (notice the moon) and look
closely you'll see the mountains. When the
sunsets the sky gets pink and purple it is
really beautiful.

A couple doors down from us the RV still has it's
Christmas decorations up, but notice the lamp in
the yard it has southwestern decorations on it.

The houses here in Tucson have no grass in
there yards. It is either plain dirt and sand
or they haul in gravel. Some yards are white
some red.

This yard has lots of cactus and bushes. You
can't even see the house. But they do have
sorta paths thru the bushes. Once you get
used to the different things growing in the yards they
are actually nice.

It is just that some yards you could never walk
thru due to the "prickly pear" cactus. I'll try
and get a picture of a yard that has nothing but
prickly pear in it-even up close so you can see
why it is call prickly pear.

This is just a gravel yard with bushes and a
tall saguaro cactus in it. Looks nice doesn't it.

Several years ago Phil and I came to AZ on a free trip, you had to listen to the sales pitch about buying land here. Well I said I'd never live in
Az because I wanted grass in my yard. I still
like grass in my yard only I have never had "grass" in my yard. My yard may have been green but I think in was mostly weeds.

Well that is the place that we call home for a few
weeks. Hope you can now feel like you know
where we are.
Phil went to a car auction in Scotsdale today not just any ole auction he said the bids were going up to $50,000 and plus. So when he gets here he will probably have more to add so watch for his tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tour.
or more commenly known as
(um I had my hands in the wrong place but thought it looked "cute")

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures! However, your title was misleading. I thought it meant you were heading home today. It looks like you're having a great time, and this looks like a pretty neat place to stay while you're there. I guess when you get homesick, you can walk back and forth in the grass beside the shuffleboard area - haha. Thanks for letting us see where you're living for now. Love, Patty.

Andie said...

Looks like fun, and WARM!!! I miss the warmth of Florida! I added a bunch of pics from our trip on my Facebook account. If you join, look me up and add me as a friend...then you can see my pics. Michelle & Laramie are on is addictive.