Thursday, January 29, 2009

pool party and morning surprise

This was our "Pig Jig Pool Party" They roasted lots of pork and we all brought a "dish to share". Look at my plate, we brought home enough pork for another meal.

Here the line is to get there plates Our table got to go first this time. Yea!!

This is the line dancing group. The singer is setting down behind them and her husband played the piano. They were very good and come from Branson. The second lady is a real good dancer to the 60's music. The first lady asked for the receipe to my salad.

Woke up this morning and Phil said how would you like to see the Grand Canyon? So within the hour we were gone. This is taken not to far from Flagstaff, Az.

We started seeing snow covered mountains and then looked at the temp and I thought ohoh I'm in trouble. My sandals just are not going to be warm enough.

We went to Sunset Volcanic Crater first. It erupted 600 years ago but look at the ash on the hill side and how barren it is. This picture was taken just before sunset.

This is the lava flow-rocks. We were looking out the window and were shocked to see the lava. It is very amazing to see it.

Then we saw the Painted Desert but pictures just didn't due it justice.

Here is an old Indian ruin. This is just 18 miles from the volcano - no wonder they left. They built this around boulders as part of there rooms. The big circle in front is there ceremonial lodge.

Then my camera battery went dead.
Spending the night in Flagstaff, Az (thanks Kathy) and early morning wake up call and we are off to the Grand Canyon. They tell us we will pretty much have it to ourselves. It is 17 here tonight and high of 48 Friday. Tucson is in the mid 70's what are we thinking?


Anonymous said...

#1 Cool she asked for your recipe.
#2 I want some of that pork!
#3 Did you and dad line dance?
#4 I went up pikes peek Thanksgiving weekend with only a light coat.
#5 Have I ever been to this place?
#6 Did you take your charger?
#7 Go buy one if didn't we want more pictures!!!!!!!!!
#8 You are not old

Anonymous said...

Did you drag your home with you?

I hope you plugged in your camera - you will want some pictures. Barb and i sure enjoyed our time there a couple of years ago. Luvya. terry