Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mississippi life and death

While spending the summer working in Memphis
we got to visit alot of places. One of them was the birth place of Elvis Presley. It was really very interesting to read about him growing up and the things his friends said about him. He died so young and a tragic death. You'd think other "stars" would learn from his way of living and dieing but no these useless deaths of very talented people continue on. Why

After leaving Memphis we went to Mississippi and was told the story of "slug burgers". After which hearing the stories Phil had to try one. (It is so easy to delete a picture when you don't want to) This is the White Trolley Cafe. You set at the bar
on bar stools and watch the cooks. A greasy place.

Phil ordered a
"slug burger" and fries I had breakfast, trying to play it
safe. His had four patties plus all the trimmings. Heart attack waiting
to happen.
You are asking what is a "Slug burger" we asked also, and
hence I didn't have one you noticed. Way back when meat wasn't in
plentiful supply and neither was money this little town started adding soy to there hamburger and the price was a nickle. A nickle was referred to as a "slug". And the Slug Burger was born.

I, as well as many others, think it is a taste
you have to grow up with. Not even all the locals
like them but, then others came in and ordered a
bag full and said that they eat them at least once
a week, and then some said they came to the White Trolley every noon. Well Phil only had the one and we didn't go back .

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Natchez Trace

Phil was always talking about the neat ride on the Natchez Trace. Starting in Mississippi and finishing up in Nashville. So off we went in my truck. Well all along the way he kept saying "it was better on my motorcycle" so it quickly became a long trip in my truck with a few neat sights along the way. We were going to see the water falls on the way back but it was too dark and to far to walk then. I kept thinking of the people who first walked the trail or on horseback or wagon. Glad I live in this time.
This home made add on to the RV was a neat sight to see. This man was an architech who designed and built it and lives in Texas but travels around with his dog. Does he not look like he is enjoying himself. When I asked if I could take his picture he said a lot of people take his picture. I think the dog must have already finished his drink he looks pretty relaxed and never raised his head at us. You see and meet some pretty strange people traveling.

Of course, we couldn't travel to far without Phil meeting new friends. These bikers met on a motorcycle forum and now travel on weekends together. They exchanged a few stories while I took pictures of the monument and read my book I always have with me for occasions like this.

I thought this was pretty interesting. I have seen tobacca plants drying in the barns but I don't remember seeing it blooming.

I think this is a great picture. I like to see old barns and silos.
We finished up at the Loveless Cafe and bought some Strawberry Jam and Blackberry Jam but the resturant had people lined up so we went on into Nashville and ate at Riotella's Bar. Had great hamburgers, Michelle and Laramie had eaten there on ther motorcycle trip.
It was a pretty drive I just felt that Phil didn't enjoy it near as much in the truck. But I'm still not getting on the back of his bike!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mississippi Delta Fair

I looked out my window one morning and saw the workers from the fair setting up a ride. It was fun to watch. After setting up the center of the ride, the motor and thing that makes it turn they raised up the American Flag. WOW that was neat.

I looked every so often to see what it was. Just looking at it and the semi beside it I guessed it was the Merry Go Round. Later on that day I found out I was right. We got to watch several things being set up for the fair.

The tents, ferris wheel, and a big circle of lights that later I discovered it was actually a track where a ride went all the way around that circle.

Can't really tell but if you look close at the green glob
on the left side of this picture it is a frog. The
ride was the HOPPY. Went out my door one Sat. and I could hear little screams and pretty soon another scream and then another. When I looked in this direction I saw. A car of little kids riding up to the top and then down a little ways and bounce. Everytime it came down aways and bounced the kids would scream. I stood there watching and laughed.

From the front of our 5th wheel we could see the Merry Go Round and to the front and West we saw the ferris wheel on the right.

I love this picture of the Delta Fair at night. If you look on the left of the picture you see the circle of light, that was the ride I was talking about earlier.

I don't like riding the rides anymore, I don't even like going to the fairs, but I sure enjoyed watching them set it up and hearing the music and watching the people from my front door.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


We went to Houston 2 weeks ago to check on
a new RV. But it wasn't what we wanted so it
was a wasted trip for that reason but it was a
fun trip just seeing the different scenery.
is Galveston Bay. The hurricane came thru here last year but the devastation is still there. Piers
that were there are now just the poles sticking out of the water, where houses were is now parts
of houses with tarps or piles of trash. Really pretty sad but then you see the houses that are being built right next to the water. WOW what chances are being taken just for the view.

The new houses are being built with cement
poles now instead of wood. And looks like
maybe higher up. But still i just couldn't take
the risk again and again.
Here is someone's porch. I really couldn't believe all the trash still around.

I'm looking at this tanker but seeing a cruise ship out there. I'm really liking that picture.

This is the ferry we took over to go to Houston. It was full. While we were waiting in line a young boy got his fising pole out of his truck and went over and fished for about 15 minutes. It was like out of a Huck Finn movie. He didn't catch anything but I don't think he minded.

Had a wonderful hotel room and for having only a two day trip we packed in a lot of sight seeing and good time.
My next trip will be going home. HOME SWEET HOME. YEA HOME.

Stilll Memphis

Taking the kids to the casino's at Tunica, Ms. They are purty neat buildings and colorfull. Had a hard time getting the kids to pose infront of the slot machines.

Ivy was ready
to poise and
then Asa said OK and Ramie I think didn't want her friends to see her here or maybe it was the sign saying "No one under 18 on the floor".
But, we had to go see Paula Dean for lunch. She was waiting for us on her front porch.
Look at the smile on her face she was so glad to see us. Of course, dropping over a hundred $ for lunch into the cash drawer probably helped her.
It was a pretty good lunch and lots of choices and boy can she bake those cheese rolls.

Then we were so full we couldn't walk so we took
the trolley around downtown Memphis. It really
was a pretty neat way to see Memphis until a bag man got on and he smelled like we needed to give him a bath.

Time to leave and the kids
were not excited. Maybe it was the idea of
the long drive home and could of it had been the
leaving of Grandma and Grandpa.
Thanks for the visit. Love you all

Took Memphis with a storm

Boy you can sure tell I haven't blogged in a while
I can't seem to get my pictures in right. Oh well,
we will just do it this way I guess because if I
try and change it I will just delete pics.

We ended the night with yogurts at Sheridans. They make some of the best mixes and so many to chose from it is hard. But, Phil has his favorite. Chocolate yogurt, peanut butter with choc chips, I call it Death by Chocolate.

We were sitting in our RV and it was a little stormy and all of a sudden we hear sirens. But the weather man said no bad weather. So were just visited and then a little more wind but still not bad. Then we hear on the news that Wolfchase Mall, north of us about 10 miles was hit by a tornado. Well, there hotel was just south of the Mall a block. Needless to say they had to find another room for the night. The hotel roof looks just like this today still not repaired.
This was the second tornado close to us while we are here in Memphis. I bet these people want us to leave.

The kids and I took Mississippi by a storm also. There was
no sales tax over the weekend so I took the kids school
shopping. Needless to say it was very very crowded but I think we all had a good time. Asa was our bag carrier. He did a great job. Of course it rained on us.

The the kids had to give us all a show. Here is a sample of there new clothes and shoes. Can't forget the shoes. They each had they own ideas on what tennys they wanted.

So sorry I had to work because I was working nights and I was a little tired while we shopped but I took a nap while they all went out for more BarBQ.

Unruhs in Memphis

I was so excited when the day finally came that Michelle's were in Memphis. The hotel reservations were made, the plans made and our excitement was at its peak. I see them they are here.
The weather didn't hold together for us but that is another blog with pictures. This blog is only for the good times we had.
I had to work so Phil took the kids to the Memphis Zoo. Where they saw the elephants, monkeys, tigers etc etc etc. Here is Asa and the Polar Bears. Note Asa's hat from Wellington, Ks.
Memphis Zoo is known for the Panda Bears. They
grow the bamboo just a couple blocks from our RV
park. Ivy took lots of pictures

Then "the ride" Michelle and Laramie didn't come to see us. They just brought the kids to Memphis to see Grandpa and Grandma and then they go on a motorcycle ride. Phil had planned the route, he had been on this ride earlier and enjoyed the scenery. I think it lived up to Michelle and Laramie's expectations. They had a great time and spent the night in Nashville.

Got my pictures mixed up just a little but this is priceless. I think Michelle is saying "how do I get my leg over this?" She is our "Motorcycle Momma" while Beck and I are holding back. Maybe someday we will.
They went and eat alot of BarBQ, I did say alot.
They were on Beale Street and Mud Island. We just didn't have enough time. But enjoyed there visit so very much.
Thanks for making our time in Memphis great. So sorry about the weather.

Unruhs in Memphis

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Here is our Rv in Memphis, Tn and Phil getting ready to leave to go to the motor cycle rally in Sturgis. I was a little worried because of the big pack he was taking. Kinda dwarfed him I thought and might not let him see behind him very well. Well he said he looked in his mirrors and they set out far enough.
My next question was how are you going to get on and off of the bike? He said the same way I'd get on and off of it if I had a rider. Oh.

He got on just fine and he was actually taller than the pack so what am I so worried about.
Nothing I guess
well maybe him looking like a real biker
and without his biker momma.

No actually someone had to go to work Friday night and I was elected.
As I waved goodby I thought of all the things I would do now that I'm by myself.
He called me at work and said he'd gotten to Sturgis OK and rode with some other bikers going there. He met somebody from Lincoln, Ne and the guy recognized him as the person who has given him his hearing test for the last 2 years.
Phil said there were girls walking around topless, loud music and alot of people. Not bluegrass music and nothing like Winfield. Should I be worried now! The next call I get is at midnight and my honey was in his tent and going to sleep he had had a long day and was tired.
He is on his way home as we speak - pray he has a safe ride. Maybe someday I'll ride with him it is just that I can't seem to get excited about riding on a motorcycle. I use to back in my 20s but that was aaaaaaaaaa long time ago and I'm kinda over it. I'd rather be home watching my grandkids riding there bikes.
Soooooo I think when we retire in Sept we will probably be planning on two different retirement lives-his includes canoeing the Mississippi, biking, watching the space shuttle take off and spending our winters in Az. Mine includes a cruise or two, keeping my 13 year old granddaughters in line, watching Asa and Ivy play soccer and Brennan play football and Cambree being Cambree, and then spending our winters in Az.
Oh yes this Sturgis is in Kentucky his next Sturgis is in Arkansas and then the big one in SD.
Oh yes I spent all day Saturday sleeping, awake all night (not much to do then) and Sunday sleeping again. Working nights doesn't let you have much a life.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Titled this me in little letters. Trying to put my life in perspective and I see. Not as bad as Palins or the grieving families of soldiers who have died or many others my life is easy. So there it is I have got it figured out.

The lady who said I yelled at her is my bff (i think that is it). She has health problems and so now I have convinced her to see a doctor and she is going to see him Thurs and tells me she is going because I showed sincere caring for her. I pray her results are good.

Our badges now let us into park close to security and allows us into the building to use the bathroom. I am still "wand" when I go thru the airport type security at Fed ex because of my knees-but that is OK. We have 3 more weeks of nights and then go to days for 5 weeks.

We are still being hounded by IRS and State of Ks for back taxes due. Kansas says we haven't filed taxes since 2004-well there is a reason for that. Our residence has been in SD since 2004, but since we showed our Valley address as a mailing address we now have to prove where we live. KS is wanting only $7000.00 Federal wants twice that. We have turned it over to someone new but I'm thinking we should maybe get us a good tax attorney. Any ideas or money? This to will pass.

My eating habits are lousy right now. We have 2 meals a day. If you are diabetic then you know that is not good. So I'm thinking us retiring will be a good thing for our health.

I saw pictures of Mike on Loni's facebook and was so happy to see him enjoying his granddaughters. I pray for Mike and Patty, I love them both and want to see them enjoy life again. You know you can enjoy life where you are in life. It is up to you. When will I learn to follow and apply these thoughts to my life.

Ok so you have guessed I'm feeling a little low today but this to will pass. I know I'm tired. I heard on the radio yesterday that a person working nights never gets used to it because their biological clock is reset every morning by the sun. I thought I was getting use to working nights and then 4th of July happened.

Well I need to wake Phil up so we can get ready to go to work. And start our day over again.

I'll regroup and be better tomorrow. Thank God there is always tomorrow.

Friday, July 3, 2009

This is Olive Branch, Mississippi a town that will be special in our minds for along time. We are working in Memphis, Tn. and had to take our 5th wheel into get the toilet worked on. Soooooo since we couldn't sleep we decided to go file for Social Security. YEA. The closest one was here.
A very nice lady took a us right away and had us signed up before we knew it. Wouldn't let us take pictures of the momentous occasion. As of Sept 1 we will be officially on Social Security. Getting our first checks the 3rd Wed in October. It is really kinda scary to me. We are retiring the Sept 10th, our last job here in Memphis, Tn. Please keep Jennifer and her family in your prayers her father is getting a new pace maker
today (she was our nice lady)

I worked Wed night by myself while Phil went to Beale Street Bike Night. He said it was slow and the band that he liked last year wasn't there but you know Phil he had a good time. When I got home Wed morning we took our 5th wheel in so I got no sleep. He went to work with me Th and got off at 1am for 4th of July Holiday so after sleeping for 4hrs we went out to eat. This is the Blue Plate the #1 rated breakfast restaurant in Memphis-Elvis ate here alot. The inside is pretty cute.

This was a rough week for me. I got into it with our contact person Mon. She told us we had no access to the building (incidentally is where the bathroom is). I told her that that was not acceptable and I would not work under those conditions. Oh we had access to the restroom but we had to ask someone to unlock the doors for us. You don't tell an old lady who takes a water pill that she cannot go to the restroom when she needs to go. We have not seen her since and now we have badges to admit us into the building. Yea for the good guys.
This probably happened for a reason. I think it made us head to the Social Security Office faster.
So for that I am thankful.

Monday, June 22, 2009

3rd week and counting

Tennessee Championship BBQ was held this weekend literally in our backyard. Phil volunteered to help (got a free T-shirt) it is a annual fundraiser for Alzheimer's, (Phil's dad and my mom). You paid $10 to get in, $5 for 5 ribs, and $5 a beer. Why people come to this I don't know. The bbq cookoff food went to the hospitality tent and the volunteers got to eat all they wanted. So Phil had a great 2 days. You can see a couple of the BIG cookers. There were 70-80 teams represented, a team from Florida was camped next to us.

Ivy left for Y camp in Tulsa, Ok yesterday. This is her second year there. She was doing a real good job for her softball team before leaving. Got 3 hits 4-5 RBIs and a double. Way to go Miss Ivy.

Audrey's coach took her to Emporia to watch older girls tournament play so she could learn more but the entire tournament was a rain out. Her coaches like her and thinks she is interested in learning more about the game not there just for the social side (boy does she have them snowed).

Asa went to Boy Scout camp with his dad last weekend up around Abilene. He was the rock climbing champ. Asa his dad and another father and son were walking and the other dad was telling jokes. So Asa said he had a joke. And he told the joke that Grandpa tells about the Panda going into the bar and Laramie said he did a great job. The funny thing is - Laramie was just getting ready to tell it too.
Becki was in the kitchen and Cambree said "mom come here" "Mom come here" So Becki went to her and said "what Cambree" Cambree said "mom I lost my know how" Becki said "you lost what"? Cambree said "I lost my know how- I don't know how to do this". Don't you just love those little ones and the funny things they say!!!!

This one will get ya: Brennan asked his mom if he would ever be normal. Becki said Brennan this is 'your normal'. You think I will always be diabetic mom. Yes Brennan I think you will be. You mean you don't think they will ever find a cure, Brennan said. Becki answered him, Yes but not real soon. OK I was just wondering he said and Becki finished giving him his 4th insulin shot for the day. Pray for a cure soon. Here Brennan this is for you.

This is a banana peanut butter sandwich. I eat this alot and it is good. Thought you might like it too. The other day I had my apple with peanut butter like you do so you can try this now. Hope you like it.
We had a busy week at work. Our computer froze up on me just as I was finishing up the days work so TK had to overnight us a new one and we had to install it. We tested 1588 people last week and were only schedules to test 1100. Fed Ex says we are almost 1/2 finished with the night people and we have only been here 3 weeks. What will we do for the next 6 weeks ?? The people stand outside our test unit for 2 hours waiting to be tested. They are suppose to be putting a stop to that this week so we will see what happens.
Hope you fathers had a great Father's Day. I called my dad. Wish I could have been there to give him a hug. I love you dad.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

what a week

Pretty sites in Tennessee. Lots of Magnolia trees. Can't figure out exactly when they bloom but when you see them flowered out it is really beautiful.

I thought Memphis was along ways from Valley Center but, Memphis got even further away from Valley Center this past week.

What a week we had. Got a call from Becki Sun 6-7 and Rick, my brother, fell 18' from a ladder at home. Ambulance to hospital. Ended up with a broken hip, badly dislocated shoulder and severe laceration on his arm. Had hip surgery on Mon with a couple rods and went home Wed. He is having PT at home and then will go out to PT. WOW he was blessed and definently he was not flying alone. Phil told him he should not forget his cape next time. haha
Wed morn, 6-10, got a call from Becki and she said Mike, my brother in law, had a stroke. Mike was going to help Becki and Jon with there condo and he didn't show up so they called Patty and she went home from work and found Mike in bed. Took him into the hospital. Determined he had a stroke effecting his speech and thought process. He went to rehab 6-16. Phil has plans for the two of them later on this year, after we retire, to go to a blues festival in Mississippi so Mike had better hurry up and get better. Go Mike Go. we love you.
We went to a supper Sun night it was the sound off for the FunFest. Phil is volunteering to help the festival. It is a fund raiser for Alzheimers Assn here in Memphis. It is the Tennessee Championship BarbQue cook off. They will have 70-80 teams in competition. It is right next to where we are parked so the smell will probably be over whelming. Hmmmmmmm. Pictures will follow later.
Praying for Rick and family and Mike and family back home. Love you all

Saturday, June 6, 2009

true confessions

I'm a yeller and I hurt peoples feelings. There I have said it so it must be.

At 3:00 this morning while working I was told by a lady helping us work that I yelled at her and hurt her feelings. She was sending people in to have there hearing tested and we were not ready. We had told her before that we would let her know when to send them in well I was not ready for the next 10 and she sent them in. So I told them they would have to leave and go back into the building until we were ready. She stood in the doorway and said why was I sending them back in. I said we are not ready. And she said that she needed to know why. I'm sorry - she didn't need a reason right then and I didn't have time to explain AGAIN. So I said I was testing and had a problem and I would explain later. So when things settled down I called her in to my office and tried to explain why. She then told me that I had hurt her feelings. This lady in her late 50's would not listen when I tried to apologize and waked off and after that she wouldn't answer back on the walkie talkies'. Phil had to be the go between. It made me laugh and want to cry.

We had all worked a long week of 7pm-4am and I'm sure we were all tired and ready for our week to be over - but. I don't think I yell (couldn't ask Phil because I have yelled a time or two at him over the last 40 some years). And I would never hurt someone's feelings on purpose, would I? Boy here I am in Memphis alone and now learning who I am. WOW not sure I can handle all this. I think I need a hug.

OK I'm thru now. Just had to get this off of my chest.

We start working from 9pm until 6am, Mon thru Sat morning for the next 8 weeks. Aug 1 I think it is. We are beginning to get use to it.

We have started working out. Starting slowly-I rode my bike for 5 minutes (minutes not miles). Actually my knees didn't hurt like I thought they might since I hadn't ridden for awhile. Anyways I plan on increasing it daily. We have a farmers market up the hill from us so we have been buying fruits and veggies. So hopefully Memphis bbq won't be to hard on us.

Sorry no pics like I say we have been only sleeping and working this week. Send us news from home we enjoy getting it.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

ball games 2009

Here is Brennan sliding into home the 3rd base coach couldn't make up his mind to send him home or not, so Brennan was caught in between before deciding to run home. He was called out but as you can clearly see in the picture he wasn't touched by the ball. Should have been a home run. (which he got the next nights game). He is a pretty good little hitter-his out fielding still needs some work, or is it "his attention". He played on diamond 1 next we are off to diamond 4, same time for Asa.

sh Asa had a good swing but struck out this time his next time up he hit the ball but we missed it because we were walking to the two different diamonds. Sorry Ace.
His first time up, which we missed also, he got a hit. Well he didn't hit the ball-the ball hit him!!!
As you can see on his back the big red splacht in the shape of a ball. It hurt but by the time we saw him he was on 3rd base. Yea for tough Asa.

Our next game was on Diamond 1 just an hour or two later is Ivy. Couldn't get real good pictures it was dark soon and I was moving slow I guess. She has a real good batting stance, can hit the ball
but let me tell you she runs like a girl. Her answer to that is "I am a girl". Gotta love her. She does enjoy playing ball and her best friend Katie is on the team. Why do they put fences around the batting area? Don't they know us grandparents want to take pictures!

Now here is the real reason to go the the ball park. That is where the boys are. right girls?! Audrey plays ball and can hit the ball, runs hard and looks really cute in her uniform. Rami just goes for the fun. haha. Audrey didn't have a game tonight so we missed watching her play and we won't be home to see anymore games-sorry Aud. Here they are doing what they do best having fun. Love them cuties.

We really were lucky to be able to see 3 out of the 4 playing ball play at least one game. Brennan called us yesterday and said he got a "homerun" he was so excited. His dad Jon is the coach and I'm sure he was beaming. You'll have to ask him how he became the coach. (The league needed a coach or no team. Becki volunteered to coach and Jon said you know nothing about the game and you know I'll end up doing it. Boy does Becki know her husband.) Jon ends the evening after a game at home trying to relax he says 14 boys are a real handful. He had 2 ladies in the dugout helping with the boys and he has assistant coaches. But Jon is a very positive and warm coach. I love him.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Becki's BD party

Here is our birthday girl. Becki is 38years young here. The kids went to Leekers and picked out a cake. Cambree had to have the one with a horn and confetti on it. Brennan found a little bundt cake and said that mom wanted a bundt cake (and she had said that too). The big cake was chocolate and the little one was chocolate peanut butter. We had 22 candles on it, but they wouldn't stay lit outside in the wind, that was OK. The ice cream was peanut butter crunch with chocolate pieces I think. Becki loves chocolate with peanut butter---so I think her kids know her pretty well. Here is our darling in her itsy bitsy teeny weeny binki. May not stay long in the water but she sure looks good!
Jon bbq hamburgers, hot dogs and brats, we fixed potatoe salad, brocolli salad and develed eggs the kids all helped. It all was sooooooooo very good. And here is Brennan getting his insulin after eating.

Audrey showing us her smile. She is growing up entirely to fast. Be a teenager on her birthday

Her is Phil I guess he got bored with all of the party after eating. Jon kept saying that maybe he should move to Phil's other side so he wouldn't fall out of the chair. Him and Jon were out late the night before on their motorcycles.

Had a great day with the Ricks family celebrating birthday instead of Memorial Day. But we did think about the families who have lost loved ones and realize how lucky we are. The Unruhs were out of town visiting Laramies mom but were back early enough so we could enjoy them too