Sunday, May 31, 2009

ball games 2009

Here is Brennan sliding into home the 3rd base coach couldn't make up his mind to send him home or not, so Brennan was caught in between before deciding to run home. He was called out but as you can clearly see in the picture he wasn't touched by the ball. Should have been a home run. (which he got the next nights game). He is a pretty good little hitter-his out fielding still needs some work, or is it "his attention". He played on diamond 1 next we are off to diamond 4, same time for Asa.

sh Asa had a good swing but struck out this time his next time up he hit the ball but we missed it because we were walking to the two different diamonds. Sorry Ace.
His first time up, which we missed also, he got a hit. Well he didn't hit the ball-the ball hit him!!!
As you can see on his back the big red splacht in the shape of a ball. It hurt but by the time we saw him he was on 3rd base. Yea for tough Asa.

Our next game was on Diamond 1 just an hour or two later is Ivy. Couldn't get real good pictures it was dark soon and I was moving slow I guess. She has a real good batting stance, can hit the ball
but let me tell you she runs like a girl. Her answer to that is "I am a girl". Gotta love her. She does enjoy playing ball and her best friend Katie is on the team. Why do they put fences around the batting area? Don't they know us grandparents want to take pictures!

Now here is the real reason to go the the ball park. That is where the boys are. right girls?! Audrey plays ball and can hit the ball, runs hard and looks really cute in her uniform. Rami just goes for the fun. haha. Audrey didn't have a game tonight so we missed watching her play and we won't be home to see anymore games-sorry Aud. Here they are doing what they do best having fun. Love them cuties.

We really were lucky to be able to see 3 out of the 4 playing ball play at least one game. Brennan called us yesterday and said he got a "homerun" he was so excited. His dad Jon is the coach and I'm sure he was beaming. You'll have to ask him how he became the coach. (The league needed a coach or no team. Becki volunteered to coach and Jon said you know nothing about the game and you know I'll end up doing it. Boy does Becki know her husband.) Jon ends the evening after a game at home trying to relax he says 14 boys are a real handful. He had 2 ladies in the dugout helping with the boys and he has assistant coaches. But Jon is a very positive and warm coach. I love him.


Anonymous said...

Once again good pictures! And your right he wasn't out!! I can't wait to show Brennan. Sorry about what I did to dad tonight. Hope you survived;)

Love ya

Anonymous said...

What fun to come to your site, and find all the new blog news and lots of pictures. You sure crammed a lot into a little time. Hope you guys are liking Memphis again this summer. Stay safe. Love - your sis - Patty.