Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Titled this me in little letters. Trying to put my life in perspective and I see. Not as bad as Palins or the grieving families of soldiers who have died or many others my life is easy. So there it is I have got it figured out.

The lady who said I yelled at her is my bff (i think that is it). She has health problems and so now I have convinced her to see a doctor and she is going to see him Thurs and tells me she is going because I showed sincere caring for her. I pray her results are good.

Our badges now let us into park close to security and allows us into the building to use the bathroom. I am still "wand" when I go thru the airport type security at Fed ex because of my knees-but that is OK. We have 3 more weeks of nights and then go to days for 5 weeks.

We are still being hounded by IRS and State of Ks for back taxes due. Kansas says we haven't filed taxes since 2004-well there is a reason for that. Our residence has been in SD since 2004, but since we showed our Valley address as a mailing address we now have to prove where we live. KS is wanting only $7000.00 Federal wants twice that. We have turned it over to someone new but I'm thinking we should maybe get us a good tax attorney. Any ideas or money? This to will pass.

My eating habits are lousy right now. We have 2 meals a day. If you are diabetic then you know that is not good. So I'm thinking us retiring will be a good thing for our health.

I saw pictures of Mike on Loni's facebook and was so happy to see him enjoying his granddaughters. I pray for Mike and Patty, I love them both and want to see them enjoy life again. You know you can enjoy life where you are in life. It is up to you. When will I learn to follow and apply these thoughts to my life.

Ok so you have guessed I'm feeling a little low today but this to will pass. I know I'm tired. I heard on the radio yesterday that a person working nights never gets used to it because their biological clock is reset every morning by the sun. I thought I was getting use to working nights and then 4th of July happened.

Well I need to wake Phil up so we can get ready to go to work. And start our day over again.

I'll regroup and be better tomorrow. Thank God there is always tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I think you are homesick. But, that will be solved soon, too. I don't think it is good for people to work nights. It gets dark so we can sleep! Anyway, that is soon over, too. So, all in all, you have some happy things to think about, and that's what you should do. I guess there was a reason for you and that 'bff' to have a little run in. You needed to meet so you could steer her to a doctor and she'll get well. It's not easy to be pleasant when you don't feel good, so now she'll probably treat everyone better. I'm sending out an email with an update on Mike, so you'll see that soon. He's doing great and everything will be fine eventually. Love you and looking forward to September! Patty

Anonymous said...

I agree it is hard sometimes to be happy where you are at, but I'm not totally convinced it's a choice for everywhere. I think too many factors can play into it. Yeah yeah they say there is positive in everything, but sometimes people deserve the time to find it before they are told to "get over it". Being tired, being homesick, not knowing what the govt. is going to do to- yeah you deserve to feel sorry for yourself for a day or two.
Love you, Becki

Andie said...

I find that NOTHING is right when I am tired. The bad seems worse, and the not so bad seems horrible. Sometimes Warren just looks at me and says "You need to get some sleep!" I know your feelings of being tired, homesick, and feeling like nothing is going right. I have felt that many times. Thank God, the sun still comes up, and I get to try again. Tomorrow is another day...and then you will get yet another one. I love you!!!