Sunday, July 19, 2009


Here is our Rv in Memphis, Tn and Phil getting ready to leave to go to the motor cycle rally in Sturgis. I was a little worried because of the big pack he was taking. Kinda dwarfed him I thought and might not let him see behind him very well. Well he said he looked in his mirrors and they set out far enough.
My next question was how are you going to get on and off of the bike? He said the same way I'd get on and off of it if I had a rider. Oh.

He got on just fine and he was actually taller than the pack so what am I so worried about.
Nothing I guess
well maybe him looking like a real biker
and without his biker momma.

No actually someone had to go to work Friday night and I was elected.
As I waved goodby I thought of all the things I would do now that I'm by myself.
He called me at work and said he'd gotten to Sturgis OK and rode with some other bikers going there. He met somebody from Lincoln, Ne and the guy recognized him as the person who has given him his hearing test for the last 2 years.
Phil said there were girls walking around topless, loud music and alot of people. Not bluegrass music and nothing like Winfield. Should I be worried now! The next call I get is at midnight and my honey was in his tent and going to sleep he had had a long day and was tired.
He is on his way home as we speak - pray he has a safe ride. Maybe someday I'll ride with him it is just that I can't seem to get excited about riding on a motorcycle. I use to back in my 20s but that was aaaaaaaaaa long time ago and I'm kinda over it. I'd rather be home watching my grandkids riding there bikes.
Soooooo I think when we retire in Sept we will probably be planning on two different retirement lives-his includes canoeing the Mississippi, biking, watching the space shuttle take off and spending our winters in Az. Mine includes a cruise or two, keeping my 13 year old granddaughters in line, watching Asa and Ivy play soccer and Brennan play football and Cambree being Cambree, and then spending our winters in Az.
Oh yes this Sturgis is in Kentucky his next Sturgis is in Arkansas and then the big one in SD.
Oh yes I spent all day Saturday sleeping, awake all night (not much to do then) and Sunday sleeping again. Working nights doesn't let you have much a life.


Anonymous said...

Just looked at the pics, will come back and read latter. TOO COOL!!!

Anonymous said...

ok, came back and read it, It sounds like a CRAZY place! I can't believe how much stuff he fit in there. I love seeing the back rest on the bike, it will be much more enjoyable now for Laramie and my ride in a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing you two!!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet dad enjoyed having a backrest. I'm still impressed you can put pictures on your blog-it looks good! Gotta go.
