Saturday, September 5, 2009

Took Memphis with a storm

Boy you can sure tell I haven't blogged in a while
I can't seem to get my pictures in right. Oh well,
we will just do it this way I guess because if I
try and change it I will just delete pics.

We ended the night with yogurts at Sheridans. They make some of the best mixes and so many to chose from it is hard. But, Phil has his favorite. Chocolate yogurt, peanut butter with choc chips, I call it Death by Chocolate.

We were sitting in our RV and it was a little stormy and all of a sudden we hear sirens. But the weather man said no bad weather. So were just visited and then a little more wind but still not bad. Then we hear on the news that Wolfchase Mall, north of us about 10 miles was hit by a tornado. Well, there hotel was just south of the Mall a block. Needless to say they had to find another room for the night. The hotel roof looks just like this today still not repaired.
This was the second tornado close to us while we are here in Memphis. I bet these people want us to leave.

The kids and I took Mississippi by a storm also. There was
no sales tax over the weekend so I took the kids school
shopping. Needless to say it was very very crowded but I think we all had a good time. Asa was our bag carrier. He did a great job. Of course it rained on us.

The the kids had to give us all a show. Here is a sample of there new clothes and shoes. Can't forget the shoes. They each had they own ideas on what tennys they wanted.

So sorry I had to work because I was working nights and I was a little tired while we shopped but I took a nap while they all went out for more BarBQ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gotta love new clothes, especially if I didn't have to buy them OR shop for them!!!!!!!! Thanks mom!!!