Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mississippi Delta Fair

I looked out my window one morning and saw the workers from the fair setting up a ride. It was fun to watch. After setting up the center of the ride, the motor and thing that makes it turn they raised up the American Flag. WOW that was neat.

I looked every so often to see what it was. Just looking at it and the semi beside it I guessed it was the Merry Go Round. Later on that day I found out I was right. We got to watch several things being set up for the fair.

The tents, ferris wheel, and a big circle of lights that later I discovered it was actually a track where a ride went all the way around that circle.

Can't really tell but if you look close at the green glob
on the left side of this picture it is a frog. The
ride was the HOPPY. Went out my door one Sat. and I could hear little screams and pretty soon another scream and then another. When I looked in this direction I saw. A car of little kids riding up to the top and then down a little ways and bounce. Everytime it came down aways and bounced the kids would scream. I stood there watching and laughed.

From the front of our 5th wheel we could see the Merry Go Round and to the front and West we saw the ferris wheel on the right.

I love this picture of the Delta Fair at night. If you look on the left of the picture you see the circle of light, that was the ride I was talking about earlier.

I don't like riding the rides anymore, I don't even like going to the fairs, but I sure enjoyed watching them set it up and hearing the music and watching the people from my front door.


Anonymous said...

The kids would have LOVED it! Although I don't know if you would have gotten Cambree on anything. But she would have been right with you laughing at the other kids having so much fun!!
Sadly I can't enjoy the rides much anymore. I can't even swing anymore :( So Sad. Was your campground full? We can see the lights from the fall festival out the door in our bedroom and I enjoy that.

Anonymous said...

I love fairs!! We aren't going this year because Natalie started school, and I hate going on the weekends. Hopefully, next year Loni will let her skip a day of school. We'll see. Mike always goes about every 3 or 4 years. He doesn't want to go every year, but I thought it would be good for him to walk around. I guess we'll have to go to another car show for that. That would be neat to be right beside it while they're putting it all together. I always think of the movie "State Fair". My favorite is with Will Rogers, but I like all the other ones, too.
Becki, why can't you swing anymore?
Love, Patty