Friday, July 3, 2009

This is Olive Branch, Mississippi a town that will be special in our minds for along time. We are working in Memphis, Tn. and had to take our 5th wheel into get the toilet worked on. Soooooo since we couldn't sleep we decided to go file for Social Security. YEA. The closest one was here.
A very nice lady took a us right away and had us signed up before we knew it. Wouldn't let us take pictures of the momentous occasion. As of Sept 1 we will be officially on Social Security. Getting our first checks the 3rd Wed in October. It is really kinda scary to me. We are retiring the Sept 10th, our last job here in Memphis, Tn. Please keep Jennifer and her family in your prayers her father is getting a new pace maker
today (she was our nice lady)

I worked Wed night by myself while Phil went to Beale Street Bike Night. He said it was slow and the band that he liked last year wasn't there but you know Phil he had a good time. When I got home Wed morning we took our 5th wheel in so I got no sleep. He went to work with me Th and got off at 1am for 4th of July Holiday so after sleeping for 4hrs we went out to eat. This is the Blue Plate the #1 rated breakfast restaurant in Memphis-Elvis ate here alot. The inside is pretty cute.

This was a rough week for me. I got into it with our contact person Mon. She told us we had no access to the building (incidentally is where the bathroom is). I told her that that was not acceptable and I would not work under those conditions. Oh we had access to the restroom but we had to ask someone to unlock the doors for us. You don't tell an old lady who takes a water pill that she cannot go to the restroom when she needs to go. We have not seen her since and now we have badges to admit us into the building. Yea for the good guys.
This probably happened for a reason. I think it made us head to the Social Security Office faster.
So for that I am thankful.


Anonymous said...

Is the "Blue Plate" worth going to when we come down?

Andie said...

I'm sorry you had a "tiff" with a rude person!! That wasn't very nice. I'm glad you are retiring!! Now maybe you will be home when I come to visit!!!! I miss you!

Anonymous said...

I second Andie's comment. I can't wait until you are home full time (well, when you're not in Arizona - haha). Anyway, congrats on the SS! You guys deserve a little rest, and we at home deserve to have you here! You can spend the rest of your lives traveling where you want to go, and remembering all the places you've been. And, don't feel bad about getting mad at that mean woman. Obviously you were in the right and she knew it. That always makes them mad. Anyway, great blog as usual, and I hope to talk to you soon. Love, Patty.