Saturday, June 6, 2009

true confessions

I'm a yeller and I hurt peoples feelings. There I have said it so it must be.

At 3:00 this morning while working I was told by a lady helping us work that I yelled at her and hurt her feelings. She was sending people in to have there hearing tested and we were not ready. We had told her before that we would let her know when to send them in well I was not ready for the next 10 and she sent them in. So I told them they would have to leave and go back into the building until we were ready. She stood in the doorway and said why was I sending them back in. I said we are not ready. And she said that she needed to know why. I'm sorry - she didn't need a reason right then and I didn't have time to explain AGAIN. So I said I was testing and had a problem and I would explain later. So when things settled down I called her in to my office and tried to explain why. She then told me that I had hurt her feelings. This lady in her late 50's would not listen when I tried to apologize and waked off and after that she wouldn't answer back on the walkie talkies'. Phil had to be the go between. It made me laugh and want to cry.

We had all worked a long week of 7pm-4am and I'm sure we were all tired and ready for our week to be over - but. I don't think I yell (couldn't ask Phil because I have yelled a time or two at him over the last 40 some years). And I would never hurt someone's feelings on purpose, would I? Boy here I am in Memphis alone and now learning who I am. WOW not sure I can handle all this. I think I need a hug.

OK I'm thru now. Just had to get this off of my chest.

We start working from 9pm until 6am, Mon thru Sat morning for the next 8 weeks. Aug 1 I think it is. We are beginning to get use to it.

We have started working out. Starting slowly-I rode my bike for 5 minutes (minutes not miles). Actually my knees didn't hurt like I thought they might since I hadn't ridden for awhile. Anyways I plan on increasing it daily. We have a farmers market up the hill from us so we have been buying fruits and veggies. So hopefully Memphis bbq won't be to hard on us.

Sorry no pics like I say we have been only sleeping and working this week. Send us news from home we enjoy getting it.

1 comment:

Andie said...

As much time as I spent with you as a girl, I can't recall one time when you yelled, or hurt someones feelings. Sure, some people get their feelings hurt even when it is not intentional...You tried to apologize, she did not accept. It is no longer your problem. Sure, it would be great if every time you hurt someone, they readily gave forgiveness...but that's not reality. We are blessed that our heavenly Father doesn't hold grudges and His forgiveness is always given in an instant!!

Good for you, riding your bike and eating your veggies! Proud of you!
Love ya-