Wednesday, June 17, 2009

what a week

Pretty sites in Tennessee. Lots of Magnolia trees. Can't figure out exactly when they bloom but when you see them flowered out it is really beautiful.

I thought Memphis was along ways from Valley Center but, Memphis got even further away from Valley Center this past week.

What a week we had. Got a call from Becki Sun 6-7 and Rick, my brother, fell 18' from a ladder at home. Ambulance to hospital. Ended up with a broken hip, badly dislocated shoulder and severe laceration on his arm. Had hip surgery on Mon with a couple rods and went home Wed. He is having PT at home and then will go out to PT. WOW he was blessed and definently he was not flying alone. Phil told him he should not forget his cape next time. haha
Wed morn, 6-10, got a call from Becki and she said Mike, my brother in law, had a stroke. Mike was going to help Becki and Jon with there condo and he didn't show up so they called Patty and she went home from work and found Mike in bed. Took him into the hospital. Determined he had a stroke effecting his speech and thought process. He went to rehab 6-16. Phil has plans for the two of them later on this year, after we retire, to go to a blues festival in Mississippi so Mike had better hurry up and get better. Go Mike Go. we love you.
We went to a supper Sun night it was the sound off for the FunFest. Phil is volunteering to help the festival. It is a fund raiser for Alzheimers Assn here in Memphis. It is the Tennessee Championship BarbQue cook off. They will have 70-80 teams in competition. It is right next to where we are parked so the smell will probably be over whelming. Hmmmmmmm. Pictures will follow later.
Praying for Rick and family and Mike and family back home. Love you all


Anonymous said...

Miss you, seems when I give up you write something. Ivy had a great night tonight she hit all three times good strong ones hit 3-4 runs in and got to 2nd base with one hit. It was great.Did you take the photo of the magnolia? Awsome picture. Love and miss you.

Andie said...

When things are not right at home...that is when it feels so horrible to be away! I so wanted to be in VC last week!! They are both recovering...that is good!
Enjoy the BBQ!!
Love you-