Monday, February 1, 2010


We headed north out of Tucson on our way to purchase airline tickets to home.
I know these pictures do not do justice to what I wanted to capture. The shadows on the mountains. So mysterious looking.

Since I'm not sleeping real well at night I tend t o nodd off in the car, which scares me because Phil tends to nodd off too haha. Well upon waking up I see the city sign "Chandler". I grab my phone and my address book and start dialing. This is the town that my cousin Peggy lives in. Upon reaching her we made a date to get together.
She said Aunt Winona cannot see very well now and then she shared that her mom, somewhat like my mom, thinks that Peggy dosen't want her to call. We then swaped stories.
Saved over $70 by going to the airport and getting the tickets but spent alot of time. While there a boy 6 and his father came over and asked Phil if he were Santa Clause. We explained to him that it was warmer here and that we really needed a vacation after the busy time. It was so cute he came over again with his 9 yr old brother and took Phil's picture, and said he was going to be good this year.

Look at this sunset. Looked like the mountains were on fire.
A wonderful way to end our day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh! Those are BEAUTIFUL pictures!!
Be sure to tell Peggy HI for me, and give her hugs from me. Tell her it's easier to tell each other hi through other people since we just cry when we see each other - haha. Love, Patty