Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cambree and Rosie

When I asked Cambree what she wanted for her birthday she told me a horse. She said the horse could stay in the back yard and she would feed it and let it sleep there too.,
I know I couldn't get her a horse but, I could find her one to ride.
We went out to C-Arrow Stables and she found Rosie.

She asked her mom if she could feed Rosie so they took some carrotts and feed her.

Cambree was in 7th heaven. She enjoyed just
leading her around. Sometimes Rosie would go where she wanted to go and not stay out of the mud but Cambree did not mind. Nor did Cambree mind the cold, wet day. She was with HER Rosie.

Rosie didn't mind Cambrees hugs. I got the feeling
that Rosie knew Cambree was her friend and not
hurt her but, give her lots and lots of hugs and loving.

Rosie was hungry thou. It was so funny even when walking thru the mud and a sprig of grass peeked through you better believe that Rosie was going to stop for a nibble.

We thought maybe we could walk her in the grass so it wasn't quite so muddy. No that wasn't happening. Rosie saw lunch and that is what she wanted. Cambree was not strong enough to pull her away. I guess you could say she lost the game of tug of war with Rosie.

Becki was wonderful leading her around for an hour in the muck and mud. Don't they both look happy!!! Cambree would say "Run momma" so Becki would run but be fore she could get very far Cambree said "Don't run momma" as Cambree bounced up and down.

Cambree wants to be a doctor for animals. She asked me one day if she could live in a castle on a farm so she could doctor animals and have a horse. She is our Princess on a horse.
God love her. Just look at her face and you know she had a great time.


Anonymous said...

Cambree's comments:

"I was pretending to be her owner"

"I didn't want to leave her and go home."

"She was hungry and I couldn't pull her away from her food."

"I want to see a video of me riding her"

She was all smiles and giggles over the pictures. It really was the perfect day to her-cold, muddy and wet didn't matter a bit!


Anita Ricks said...

Priceless. Beautiful, pretty, pretty, pretty. She really is a princess. Thank you. Hopefully, some day she'll have her very own Rosie.