Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brennan Basketball

It is so good to be able to see Brennan play Basketball. He enjoys playing. Look at the concetration on his face.

And then there is Jon, his dad, I think he may be ready to jump up. Jon is very good with these young guys. He speaks positive to them, gives them praise as well as helping them learn how to play the game.

Me, I seem to have trouble just watching what is happening.

Look at that stretch

If I would post these when they happen maybe I
could make better comments. All I know is that Brennan has the ball and is shooting.
(actually I think he is passing it after looking at it better, what do you think?)

Here he is throwing the ball into play.

If I remember correctly they almost won this game.

Brennan has the ball again did he shoot or pass it?

We enjoy watching him as I said. B play hard and don't quit. Play to the end. GO BRENNAN GO


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, wonderful pictures. Maybe this summer I can go to some of your grandkids games with you. That would be FUN! Hopefully my grandkids will start playing something so I can go to theirs, too. We got over 7 inches of snow at our house!! Can I come visit you??? Love, Patty

anita Ricks said...

Great action shots, Marilyn! Thank you for giving me a chance to keep updated on my wonderful, beautiful grandkiddies. Hopefully, I will be able to come out to KS this year.