Friday, January 20, 2012

We left Wichita, Ks after stopping at Goodyear Tire and having the tires checked etc. Got into Quartzsite, AZ a few days later someone tells us to look at one of our trailer wheels that there was a crack in one. Oh No. That could have been dangerous I guess. Called Hitchhiker they gave us the phone # of the company who made our wheels talked with John. I sent him a picture of the wheel and he called back within 10 minutes and said they would send out 5 new wheels. So we are getting them fixed. John was super nice. Don't know how this happened or why.

I love the mountains and how the tops are all shaped so different. If I wouldn't bore you I'd send lots of pictures of the mountains.

This is Gila Bend, AZ one of the oldest towns in Az. not much there that is open. Well we did find a Dairy Queen open. And this hotel with a flying saucer for the sign was pretty cool.

This is one for a post card, it probably is
already, but I really liked it. It is somewhere
between Phoenix and Quartzsite.

Then there was the day that Phil went out prospecting with another guy. They used a metal detector. That is the way it is done mostly out here now. Phil came home with 2 precious rocks, a little metal screw and a piece of tin foil. The rocks weren't even pretty enough for Cambree's rock collection. But he had fun and decided he didn't need to do that again.

We have been to a pancake feed, taco time and music here in the RV park. They try and do something every week, they even handed out food commodities one day. W have even stood in line at the Post Office for 45 minutes waiting to pick up our General Delivery Mail.

Went and had pizza at Silly Al's great pizza! Phil is walking at least 2 1/2 miles every other day and riding his bicycle daily. I am walking around the RV park and riding my stationary bike daily.


Anonymous said...

Awe man, I left a big long comment and it didn't save. :-(

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about boring us with pics of mountains. Remember that most of your family lives in Kansas! Mountains do not bore us. :) I just love all the pictures and stories that go with them. I'm so glad you found the wheel problem before something happened. Stay safe and keep having fun. Love you both! Patty