Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hi Jolly

Back in 1857 the army brought in several camels and handlers into the Southwest. The regulars liked them but the big wigs didn't.

They let all the camels go into the desert just before the Civil War. Some of the handlers returned home and a few stayed.

Hi Jolly was one who stayed here. He was Greek born in Syria. No one here could pronouce his name so they called him Hi Jolly. He became a legend around here. When he died they buried him and put up a monument for him.

This is the actual RV park we are staying in here in Quartzsite, AZ. It is OK the weather is great 70's during day but when the sun goes down i t does get pretty chilly, like in the 40's.

Even some of the retired folks have to work. I just put the coins in the slot to keep the water going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The monument to Hi Jolly is really sweet. I like how someone took the time to make each layer of rock different. and Dad doesn't look like he is working very fast- The soap looks like it is drying up. Hard to find good help these days. haha/