Thursday, January 26, 2012

Paul Winer concert 1-14-12 AZ

WARNING: may be inappropriate for young children

Went to Paul's concert tonight. We met him at his book store a couple days ago and he sat at his piano and played a song he wrote and then we bought tickets. He has been playing since he was in his 20's back east and in Canada. But he played in the nude. Exotic piano player the rest of the band was dressed.

This is Paul in his tux. He began the concert by taking off his gloves and this one was probably 4 ft long. The audience was really excited and maybe a little scared when he started removing his tux. haha

This was his jean outfit. He purchased all of his wardrobe at flea market sales in Quartzsite for $2.00 or less.

This red jacket he bought at the flea market and the only thing wrong with it was the the zipper didn't work. SO he just stepped into it.

Here is the harmonica man who played in his band, he flew in from Mass. to preform with him.They met in jr hi. The man on the guitar is 83 and is good.

This is a Quartzsite full timer and has been a good friend of Paul's for a long time. He is 76 and Paul is 68. He played a bass made with a wash tub.
He is in the Guinness Book of Records, not for his music ability, he is in there because he has been married 56 times (and we met #56).

This is Paul's wardrobe changes for the night

He actually looked pretty nice all dressed up. He was the only one out of 850 people in a tie. He said that wasn't usually
the case.

Paul was a very good entertainer, he played boogie woogie blues style piano, told stories, jokes and had several wardrobe changes
but never took all of his clothes off (the hall had
requested he didn't). But I guess he does goes downtown without clothes to some of the town peoples chagrin. He is called the mascot of Quartzsite.
He runs his used book store in the nude except on cold days he does put on a sweater I guess.
I was more amazed at his back-it looks like leather.
Phil said he is not nude. Enjoy the picture below, this is how he looked when I met him. Needless to say I will never forget his face.

This is a knit sock, he wears a hat and sandels.

Friday, January 20, 2012

We left Wichita, Ks after stopping at Goodyear Tire and having the tires checked etc. Got into Quartzsite, AZ a few days later someone tells us to look at one of our trailer wheels that there was a crack in one. Oh No. That could have been dangerous I guess. Called Hitchhiker they gave us the phone # of the company who made our wheels talked with John. I sent him a picture of the wheel and he called back within 10 minutes and said they would send out 5 new wheels. So we are getting them fixed. John was super nice. Don't know how this happened or why.

I love the mountains and how the tops are all shaped so different. If I wouldn't bore you I'd send lots of pictures of the mountains.

This is Gila Bend, AZ one of the oldest towns in Az. not much there that is open. Well we did find a Dairy Queen open. And this hotel with a flying saucer for the sign was pretty cool.

This is one for a post card, it probably is
already, but I really liked it. It is somewhere
between Phoenix and Quartzsite.

Then there was the day that Phil went out prospecting with another guy. They used a metal detector. That is the way it is done mostly out here now. Phil came home with 2 precious rocks, a little metal screw and a piece of tin foil. The rocks weren't even pretty enough for Cambree's rock collection. But he had fun and decided he didn't need to do that again.

We have been to a pancake feed, taco time and music here in the RV park. They try and do something every week, they even handed out food commodities one day. W have even stood in line at the Post Office for 45 minutes waiting to pick up our General Delivery Mail.

Went and had pizza at Silly Al's great pizza! Phil is walking at least 2 1/2 miles every other day and riding his bicycle daily. I am walking around the RV park and riding my stationary bike daily.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tents and etc 1

Michelle enjoy the pictures hope they tell you a little about where we are at be sure and read all the pages on these (3 or 4) I will send pictures of a friend we met that runs a used book store. BE SURE AND WATCH FOR THAT.It will be X rated.

This is a town that grows tent by tent. We are currently in what they call Pow Wow week. This is the BIG thing for Quartzsite. There is a big RV show, which means a block long tent, this week and this is what draws so many people. Also included in that area around the Big tent we now have little tents sent up to sell rocks, food, beads, garage sell items, rugs, tents of beans, dog and cat items, things made in Mexico (purses, jewerly etc). I can't even think of all that is being sold. But, I do know if there is one tent of something then there is 30 tents. Please read on I have posted more pictures of this unusual town tonight.
The shops open 9 ,10 maybe later and they close at4:30 and all by 5. Town has very little night life .

Tents and etc. 2

These are the "rocks" that I made so much fun of. Can't get the real picture of them from these pics. They place them on stands for center pieces etc. Wouldn't go in my house.

This was the most expensive rock I saw $1250.00.

This one was $1050.00. The purple ones were $950.00.

This one was my favorite and I don't remember a price on it.

The Tents and etc. 3

These were pretty cool looking. Where they could be put I really don't know. They were made out of gears, bolts, car parts and what ever else they could find. Got to admit thou they did look neat.

They have lots of food vendors .

These rocks looked like bowling balls they were so perfectly round, but none had holes in them. Moved down the line a ways and I saw black ones.

When I saw this I thought it was really a smart idea and something I may want to think about in a few years.

And I think Bonnie's tag said it all
"I go where I am towed".

This is the way to see this circus!!!!!

Hi Jolly

Back in 1857 the army brought in several camels and handlers into the Southwest. The regulars liked them but the big wigs didn't.

They let all the camels go into the desert just before the Civil War. Some of the handlers returned home and a few stayed.

Hi Jolly was one who stayed here. He was Greek born in Syria. No one here could pronouce his name so they called him Hi Jolly. He became a legend around here. When he died they buried him and put up a monument for him.

This is the actual RV park we are staying in here in Quartzsite, AZ. It is OK the weather is great 70's during day but when the sun goes down i t does get pretty chilly, like in the 40's.

Even some of the retired folks have to work. I just put the coins in the slot to keep the water going.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Birthday Party Aunt Dora

This is our cousin Linda, Brian, (cousin Marsha's grandson) and Marsha's daughter Nancy. Marsha Brian is wearing a T-shirt with Buffalo Trace on it do you about that place?

Patty do you remember Ginger, Colleen's friend. I apologize to her for this picture but I thought you might like to see it. Her and her husband winter in Green Valley, AZ now. Makes it nice to be able to visit one of your best friends.

This is one of Linda's granddaughter and, of course I didn't get her fully in the picture. I really did a lousy job in the photo department here and I'm so unhappy about it. Hope you enjoy the ones I did get.

It was a great day for us all. And I am so glad we were close enough to come. Aunt Dora looked so good and seemed to be doing really well. She said she was sleeping good and the way she is eating here she will probably gain back the weight she loss. I don't think she will be happy about that.
She said she ate Sword fish the night before. She is having a good time.

Birthday Party Aunt Dora

Aunt Dora's Surprise 87th BD

Sorry this picture is kinda dark but I do have a better one in the next blog. I seem to be only able to upload 4 pictures at a time.

Aunt Esther and Aunt Dora enjoying seeing all the people coming in. Aunt Dora is so surprised to see everyone. Her grandson, Tyler, Colleen's boy, made her a beautiful birthday cake and it tasted even better than it looked.

We had a great time and can't believe we stayed around talking so much. Re-living
our childhood, talking about those who were not there and talked about those who have gone to heaven this past year and the good memories we have of them. We did a lot of laughing too. THEREFORE I took very few pictures. Sorryyyy.

The man in the blue shirt is the husband of our cousin Denise and he was talking to Skip husband of cousin Bev. The young man in the back ground is Brian who has a wonderful sense of humor and proud to be a "Puffer". He is cousin Marsha's grandson, the son of Nancy. He is very loving, it was great to have met him. I also met Marsh's granddaughter Lauren who showed me how the use my new cell phone. She is a pretty young lady and I didn't get her picture.

It was so good to meet Nancy and her husband. Nancy is on fb so I felt I knew her in a way. She is cousin Marsha's daughter, is very sweet and fits into the family great. Nancy told me she was enjoying getting to meet the family.

Then there is our cousin Denise and her son, she also has a pretty daughter but there again I failed in getting her picture. I think Denise reminds me of Diane. It was great to see her, I haven't seen her for a long time. We enjoyed the visit.

I will post a few more pictures on the next blog although you will see it before this one probably. I'm just no good at this, but I try.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Our life in Az.this week

We are enjoying the weather here so much. I talked with Brennan yesterday and he told me they were having a blizzard in Ks. I told him I had been sun bathing here. His response "Awww".

This is the CA entrance. I am taking PT in Blythe, CA which is about 22 miles from Quartzsite, AZ where we are staying. It is a very depressed town. Buildings boarded up welfare cards and homeless people. Saw 2 homeless guys with a dog. They were trying to catch and feed another dog that was homeless. Prices are really high at Albertson's.

This is what Quartzsite is all about. Miles and miles of trailers, tents and tables just set up. Lots of stuff you would find in your grandma's or great grandma's cabinets/closets. And then lots of JUNK. The main thing this next week is the Rock and Gem Show. I told someone here that I had seen all the "rocks" I wanted to see and she gave me a odd look.

Tents of eating places, fresh produce etc etc etc. I can't believe people really want to look at all this stuff especially the ROCKS.

Got Cambree some pretty colored rocks for her rock collection of 1 rock. I know she will like them.

Seen a lot of strange looking people. Like the hippies of my day now the 'rainbow children' I think they are called, wearing dread locks and multi colored clothes carrying musical instruments on there backs. They live out in the desert.
Saw this lady and thought of Cambree and Loni's girls. She has on a tuelled with lace burgandy skirt, bright pink leggings with cowgirl boots and I decided, dressing is up to the dresser and how good they feel about themselves.

Live and let live.

We were finally able to get us a Post Office Box here we were going to have to use General Delivery and that was making me feel kinda homeless. We also got some free fresh produce from the food bank. Going to Tucson this weekend for a birthday party for Aunt Dora who is here from KS visiting her daughter Colleen. We will plan on getting lots I mean lots of drinking water there because the water here is really BAD.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Breakfast with Linda and family

We arrived in Tucson Sat evening with no reservations and you can't stay at Wal-mart. Oh no. We went to the RV park we stayed at a couple years ago no luck, thought we'd try the one behind them, not even thinking they would have a spot. They did we stayed and all worked out. Went to eat with Linda and all at Ole's good food and great visiting. Aunt Esther told stories about Uncle Noel and Uncle Doug and her side of the family. Where was the tape recorder.

Had a good shot of Linda feeding her face (up on my request). Phil and Johnnie talked across the table--really we all seemed to be talking. How many times can I say great visit. We will return Sat to help Aunt Dora, who is visiting Colleen, celebrate her birthday. Can't wait.
This is our park not much here but RV's, They do have potatoe bakes, special breakfasts, cards, panko, sign up to use the laundry, no TV only cable and no mail service, very simple. But it is clean, friendly, I can see the mountains out my window and cheap. We have to use General Delivery or UPS/FedX. Went to Post Office yesterday and the lines were worse than a blue light special at Kmart.
This is a resort (RV park) across town. Landscaping, paved roads etc. etc. etc. BUT they pay the big bucks. There is no pool in town due to being in a desert. Quartzsite is usually a very small town but grows by about 10 times during Jan and Feb. The BIG rock and gem show is here.
I liked this tree. Several trees like this all over town and I was amazed at them. Took several pictures. Aren't you excited about this tree also?