Monday, November 12, 2012

Lake Jackson here we come

Like the Willie Nelson song "On the Road Again" we are on the road again.  Leaving for Lake Jackson, Texas where we need to be by Nov  15th.  Phil has been hired by the Brazos Mall there to play Santa Claus.

I am trying to put pictures on here too, but of course, they have made changes to the blog set up and now I will have to learn how to do it again.  If I ever can.

We will be staying at The Bayou RV Park there where they say it is a natural environmental area.  Sounds good to me and then reading on it says "watch out for snakes, alligators" I stopped reading at that point. I really don't like snakes but alligators really alligators.  I don't think we will park next to the water.

Friday Phil went and got his beard, mustache, eyebrows  all bleached.  It looks whiter but still his red color hair comes thru.  Went to the theatrical store and bought  some hair whitener to finish him off.  His 3" wide "santa belt" came in today. Really looks like Santa's belt.  Bought his Santa boots and will get his Santa suit at the mall.  I think he is ready.  Hopefully I can add the final out come of all our hard work. He has had so many children point at him, as we walk around a store, and say mom there is Santa or there is Ho Ho.  Pray that all goes well for him.


Anonymous said...

mom I love reading your blog. The way you write it, it is such a pleasure to read. Sorry you had to miss Uncle Bob's funeral but glad you got to be with him and visit while he was around. So glad all is going well sounds like dad is doing ok. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Santa post. the pictures and story are perfect.

Anonymous said...

What days and times will santa be at the mall