Sunday, November 25, 2012

Galveston 2012

Had a Thanksgiving feast by ourselves this year. The turkey ended up in the trash but my cranberry salad and the walmart pecan pie were good.  Decided to go to Galveston Island and see the Festival of Lights.  First thing we see are houses on stilts and we know we are close to the ocean.
Yep then for sure we know it when we see the big sign.

Just a neat looking church.

An old exchange building in Old Downtown Galveston.  Lots of great architecture. Love old buildings.
Then my little eyes spied this huge building and it certainly got my attention.  Cruise Terminal. Ohhhh is there a cruise in my future?   I certainly hope so I loved cruising. Going to the same ports is fine with me, it is the peacefulness of the ride that gets me going.

When we have more time, after the first of the year, we want to eat here.  People say they have really good seafood fixin's here.  Got Phil's attention any way.
Galveston Pier-Back in the days they had the rides and then a storm took it out so the owner built a hotel.  Then, another storm that took the hotel out so the owner went back to the rides.  Just opened up the summer $18.75 to get in and now we here the town is going to start charging $8. to park on the sea wall.  why WHY why.  We loved stopping at the sea wall and walking down to the beach.
This will have to work as the festival of lights because we didn't make it to them.  But loved the way this picture of the rides on the pier turned out.
Ready for more Santa stories? 5 girl cousins 8 and under sat on Santa's lap one asked for a 'reliable car' one a new bed (hers broke) the others Xbox, a computer, ipod.**Santa gives them a coloring book with a picture of him on the front with Rudolph. Santa asked a 4yr old girl who the reindeer was with the red nose and she said "clown" it doubled santa over.**An 8 yr old autistic girl came bouncing in and gave santa lots of tight hugs and played with his beard, tear jerker.**Phil is real good on guessing ages. One boy, with amazement showing on his face, "how did you know" when Santa asked him if he was 7. His mom standing next to me said "He is good". Or the little kids who are afraid of santa and won't come to him, so santa talks with them,  you see them inching closer and closer and then the look on mom and dad's face when the child sets on his lap and gives santa a big hug. I sometimes wonder who Santa is making the happiest the child or the parents. That santa suit is magic, where was his patience where our girls were young? He has made some real good tips from satisfied parents. He spent 20 minutes, it was slow that day, talking to a autistic boy who would come close and stomp his foot and walk off, again and again he did that and finally came and sat beside santa. I do more wiping my eyes then anything.  Making kids happy is the game for the day.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Santa stories. Keep 'em coming. I hope you can make it back to Galveston and see the lights (and send pics). Your RV park looks pretty cool. I'm sure the stairs with laundry are no fun, but if you have to do laundry, you might as well do it someplace that looks like this! :) Love and miss you! Patty

Anonymous said...

I left a message yesterday, but I don't see it, so I'm gonna try again. I love your blog, and the pictures! I think if you have to do laundry, this is a pretty cool place to do it. :) Keep the Santa stories (and the others) coming. Phil makes the BEST Santa's helper ever!!! Love and miss you - Patty.

Anonymous said...

Ok, just now reading. Love the photos of the rides on the pier. and love the Santa stories. hurry home.- Michelle