Monday, June 4, 2012

Surfside, Tx part 2 or 2

This is the sunrise in Surfside ,Tx. Of course, I didn't see it for a couple of days-enjoyed sleeping in. In the bottom picture it just seems to make the water glimmer.

Not sure what this sign was all about. But, we all laughed so hard.  It was on the beach where the kids went horse back riding. Here in Texas on the beach your Christmas Trees are protected.

 Cambree on her horse and Asa on his getting ready for a ride on the beach.

Brennan is waiting for them to follow him.  The guide lead Cambrees horse and she loved it when she bounced.

There they go. Rode for almost an hour. It was windy today but that saved them from getting eaten alive by the mosquitos. They ate sand instead.

I loved the ocean in the background.

Here is Ramie and Ivy getting ready to go.
And Audrey.

There they go, gone also about and hour.  You can see the sand in the back ground.  But they enjoyed it also.

What a picture.

 The other 3 waiting on the older girls to get back. We made pictures and wrote in the sand.  The wind covered it up fast.
 Love it.
 Back to the water. Quite a lot rougher today than in the past few days.
 Scared me when the waves carried the kids down the beach and away from me.  Because I don't like water anyway, but, I didn't tell them that.

Here they come walking back.  And see Ivy did get in the water.
Well for a short time.  She was trying to beat the wave in.  Dang it I should have gotten a better picture of her face.

We ate at the Pretty Purple Kitty I think.  There juke box was so loud. When a group of kids left Cambree went over to the juke box to look at it she touched it and a loud static sound went off. She did it a couple of times and we kept telling her not to touch it.  In the mean time Ivy had gone into the rest room. Well there is a picture of a fine looking man in the girls restroom with a door over his  'private parts' and every time you lift the door a static sound goes off.  Ivy Ivy Ivy.
 Look at these waves.  It was really really windy the last couple of days we were there. So didn't get into the water much. Cambree went down to the beach and came back saying there was no beach.
 All legs. They had come back in after playing in the water all taken showers and crashed on the couch. Thought the legs were fun. Then you see the boys on the other couch.

On our way home.  Had to stop to eat before  going very far and it was WHATABURGER time. I think it is the official burger of Texas. They confused our order so we got a free hot lemon pie, but, look at this crew. I wonder how they got confused.  We enjoyed it.

Ramie wearing Cambrees princess towell because she was cold.  She also wore it at a Mexican resturant we ate at a couple of nights before. I think I know what I am getting Ramie for her birthday.
Here were are a the most wonderful rest areas. Texas congratulations I applaud you for your wonderful rest areas.  Our motley crew looks pretty good for the long trip home.  But this time we made reservations in Denton, Tx to spend the night (thanks Kathy) no more driving for 15 hours.
Everyone had a slight sunburn, nothing real bad, but, mommas not to happy with me.

They jelly fish were biting everyone, a sting itching a welt and then gone. But the jelly fish were a plenty.

 Cambree was boogie boarding one afternoon and a crab clamped onto her little toe. A man on the beach flicked it off while I held her down and Brennan, our hero, carried her across the beach to our home where Grandpa took over and carried her upstairs. After she took the tweezers and pulled the clams 2 claws out.  She was OK we just washed it good and neo sporin with a band aide did the trick.
We visited the Science Center in the next town the next day and the guy there said I did the right thing. Yea for me. While there they had a touching pond and the kids enjoyed touching the animals they had been swimming with in the ocean. Yeh that kinda scared them.  It was all so fun.
This is the beginnings of our savings for our next grandkid trip. Got a long ways to go. Cambree wants a Disneyland trip. The older ones want a cruise. May have to rob  bank if we don't win the lottery.

Thanks to our Grand children for still thinking it is OK to spend a week with Grandma and Grandpa and their parents allowing and trusting us to keep them safe.  (I fail as a diabetic grandma-I need more lessons)


Michelle said...

oh mom I love these picture and descriptions soooo much! I probably could have made a comment on each picture. Sorry I forgot you said you were working on them. (Ramie and the other two have kept me so busy driving everywhere) Thank you so much for putting these here!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh mom I love these picture and descriptions soooo much! I probably could have made a comment on each picture. Sorry I forgot you said you were working on them. (Ramie and the other two have kept me so busy driving everywhere) Thank you so much for putting these here!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!