Saturday, December 8, 2012

Night out and Breakfast with Santa

It was built in front of a sand pit and when they were digging out the sand pit they found this huge mammouth. This picture is of part of the jaw bone.  They sent it to Texas A &M to test and date it.  Yes they had good fish, well Phil said they did.

This was the music at Breakfast with Santa last Saturday.  They played Christmas music on these 55 gallon barrels and they were good.  I could have sat and listened to them all morning.

This group was the father, in the hat, and his daughter, standing next to him, and son, next to her, I don't know who the other one was. They had been doing this for the last 20 some years.
Lots of hungry kids.  Had lots of pictures with Santa.  He had lots of sticky, eggy hand prints on him when it was all over.  The mall ran out of food even.  But all had fun.


Anonymous said...

Looks like "cruise" music to me. Glad you had two suits after that one I bet. <3 Michelle

Anonymous said...

I thought you said you updated your blog? But I hadn't read this post either so I still enjoyed it. that's funny about the restaurant. I remember when we stayed at a KOA that was full of kids (that was so much fun all of us playing together Jon and I have never seen that except at Sebago Lake) and there was a girl from Texas and Michelle (maybe it was Cindy?)and I made her pronounce lots and lots different words.


marilyn said...

Oh Becki I remember you and that girl we were in Mo I think and you all were on the fishing dock. You were so funny and she was so cute repeating the words for you. Thanks for the memory.