Sunday, May 31, 2009

ball games 2009

Here is Brennan sliding into home the 3rd base coach couldn't make up his mind to send him home or not, so Brennan was caught in between before deciding to run home. He was called out but as you can clearly see in the picture he wasn't touched by the ball. Should have been a home run. (which he got the next nights game). He is a pretty good little hitter-his out fielding still needs some work, or is it "his attention". He played on diamond 1 next we are off to diamond 4, same time for Asa.

sh Asa had a good swing but struck out this time his next time up he hit the ball but we missed it because we were walking to the two different diamonds. Sorry Ace.
His first time up, which we missed also, he got a hit. Well he didn't hit the ball-the ball hit him!!!
As you can see on his back the big red splacht in the shape of a ball. It hurt but by the time we saw him he was on 3rd base. Yea for tough Asa.

Our next game was on Diamond 1 just an hour or two later is Ivy. Couldn't get real good pictures it was dark soon and I was moving slow I guess. She has a real good batting stance, can hit the ball
but let me tell you she runs like a girl. Her answer to that is "I am a girl". Gotta love her. She does enjoy playing ball and her best friend Katie is on the team. Why do they put fences around the batting area? Don't they know us grandparents want to take pictures!

Now here is the real reason to go the the ball park. That is where the boys are. right girls?! Audrey plays ball and can hit the ball, runs hard and looks really cute in her uniform. Rami just goes for the fun. haha. Audrey didn't have a game tonight so we missed watching her play and we won't be home to see anymore games-sorry Aud. Here they are doing what they do best having fun. Love them cuties.

We really were lucky to be able to see 3 out of the 4 playing ball play at least one game. Brennan called us yesterday and said he got a "homerun" he was so excited. His dad Jon is the coach and I'm sure he was beaming. You'll have to ask him how he became the coach. (The league needed a coach or no team. Becki volunteered to coach and Jon said you know nothing about the game and you know I'll end up doing it. Boy does Becki know her husband.) Jon ends the evening after a game at home trying to relax he says 14 boys are a real handful. He had 2 ladies in the dugout helping with the boys and he has assistant coaches. But Jon is a very positive and warm coach. I love him.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Becki's BD party

Here is our birthday girl. Becki is 38years young here. The kids went to Leekers and picked out a cake. Cambree had to have the one with a horn and confetti on it. Brennan found a little bundt cake and said that mom wanted a bundt cake (and she had said that too). The big cake was chocolate and the little one was chocolate peanut butter. We had 22 candles on it, but they wouldn't stay lit outside in the wind, that was OK. The ice cream was peanut butter crunch with chocolate pieces I think. Becki loves chocolate with peanut butter---so I think her kids know her pretty well. Here is our darling in her itsy bitsy teeny weeny binki. May not stay long in the water but she sure looks good!
Jon bbq hamburgers, hot dogs and brats, we fixed potatoe salad, brocolli salad and develed eggs the kids all helped. It all was sooooooooo very good. And here is Brennan getting his insulin after eating.

Audrey showing us her smile. She is growing up entirely to fast. Be a teenager on her birthday

Her is Phil I guess he got bored with all of the party after eating. Jon kept saying that maybe he should move to Phil's other side so he wouldn't fall out of the chair. Him and Jon were out late the night before on their motorcycles.

Had a great day with the Ricks family celebrating birthday instead of Memorial Day. But we did think about the families who have lost loved ones and realize how lucky we are. The Unruhs were out of town visiting Laramies mom but were back early enough so we could enjoy them too

Friday, May 29, 2009

Kids at the Pool Memorial Day 2009

This is fish Brennan, he hadn't even gotten wet yet and him and Asa went for the diving boards. They do a good job of jumping in and swimming to the side.
This is fish Asa and his canon ball. I missed his first one and had to talk him into jumping again for me. I'm sure as a grandma I'm a real pain when it comes to my camera.

And our Cambree getting use to the water. She doesn't last to long in the pool. But she looks so cute in her suits. Brennan wears retainers and it is clear so they make him take it out when at the pool. When they got home from the pool and looking for the retainer Cambree said that the retainer didn't make a very good boat and didn't float in the water. Well they looked for a clear retainer in the little pool and never found it. It was actually funny when Cambree told how it sunk to the bottom. Mom and Daddy weren't laughing.

Here are our bathing beauties. Audrey, Ivy and Ramie. They were actually freezing in this pic. They had gone into the showers and took HOT showers and then were silly enough to get back into the pool. Well actually I had to coax them into the pool so I could of course get pictures.

We had to cram alot into our Memorial Weekend trip home because we are heading to Memphis for the summer so more pics to come.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Addition to last blog

Want to clarify something in my last blog. When I said thank you for supporting Brennan on his walk for diabetes I meant not only with money, that really helps, but I also meant for the prayers. I know that without prayers we have nothing. Soooo please keep the prayers on going for Brennan's health, Becki and Jon's ability to stay up beat, for Audrey and Cambree to continue being the loving sisters they are, and for the scientists to find a cure, and for the other children out there.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


This is the Commissary in Memphis, doesn't look like much from the outside but this is our favorite Bar B Q in Memphis. So we look forward to returning here. Notice it has Valet parking.

When we came home for the weekend it was to wet to park in Michelles drive so we parked out at the Coliseum and lucky for us Audrey had won a writing contest and was attending the Firemans Camp for 8th graders ( I know she is only in he 6th grade). So we went over and watched some of the activities. Here she is listening to the HazMat people. She enjoyed the camp.

While walking over to the camp these clowns stopped us, they were with the firefighters, the kids enjoyed there "Clowning around", well we had to bribe Rami to get into the picture. The kids love when we camp at the Coliseum. They bring there bikes out and ride all over.

I lost my next picture it was of the kids cleaning corn. We had a fish fry at Michelles Saturday evening it was pretty good. (I had chicken though). Brennan was having some problems and so they went home a little early. When he walked into there door he said I need my tester. And he tested "27" That is way to low so they got him a juice and ice cream to bring it up. He said he couldn't feel his fingers and everything was black. And Becki said he was crying and she was trying to calm him down because he didn't have energy to cry and get upset. But he told his mom he was scared. I would be too. Becki said they could give him his shot if they needed to.
When he was telling us about this he said the glucagone needle is really long.
Thanks to those who donated to support Brennan's diabetic walk - this will help bring them closer to finding a cure I hope real soon. He is so good about taking his insulin shots and poking his fingers but I hate to see him have to. And what stress this has to be for Becki and Jon trying to judge how much or how little insulin to give him. Thanks again.
We are in Independence, Mo working at an ammunition plant. They are soooooo busy here and it is so loud. We are here until 5/22 then we head to Joplin before Memphis.
Had a wonderful Moms day with my kids and got to spend a little time with my mom also.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Reelfoot State Park, Tn

We are now in Memphis, Tn and I'm setting here trying to get caught up on my blog listening to the gentle pit pat pit pat of the rain on our 5th wheel.
Looking out the window the sky is dark, the air is cool and the ground is soaked so the water is just setting there looking for some where to drain. On our way here the rain was coming down hard. But we arrived safe and sound. Thank you God.

This park sets outside Tiptonville, Tn where we
called home for a couple of nights. We worked
at a plant that builds barges. Phil took a tour. The people there told us that this was a real nice fishing lake (woke up to the sound of boats) but it has alot of did I say ALOT of snakes. I change the channels when a snake comes on TV.
These are Cypress trees pretty neat looking root system and stumps. Well amongst the swirling waters around those pretty stumps I saw snakeS. My mind was soon put to ease when an older gentleman came up to us and said "do you see all those gars spawning"? Yes I do!!
Of course, I had already told Becki about the snakeS as big as my arm in the water next to my front door. I slept alot better knowing they were just alligator gars with sharp teeth, 3ft long and as big as my arm spawning outside my front door. (Laughing at me are you Linda)

Now look at these cute ducks. They were so use to people and traffic they practically stepped on your shoe as they walked in front of you. There were several mates walking around together. Now that is wild life my style.

Here is our home among the Cypress trees. I was really impressed by there height and how straight they were. This lake was formed by the Madrid earthquake back in the 1800's when the Mississippi River ran backwards. Very nice park but it was built when they made small RVs and not 35 footers with slides. Very narrow roads and slots. But quiet and awesome.

This is several barges of coal floating down the
Mississippi River. Pretty neat site to see a small boat pushing such a heavy and wide load. The River was really up due to all the rain this week. And you can tell the weather is still not clear. This was a taken from the huge bridge over the river leaving Missouri and half way across the bridge you enter Tennessee.

Heading to Jonesboro, Ark Tuesday.


LAMBERTS Home of the Throwed Rolls as the big billboard signs say. This is a dark picture I know but this guy is throwing "hot rolls" and you had better be ready because he is throwing. I have seen some people get hit in the back of the head because they weren't watching. The rolls are good and fresh and butter melts. They are oh so good.

This guy walks around with this big bowl or fried okra. You put a paper towel on the table and that is where he puts it. After you get you plate of ordered food they bring around these big bowls of Black eyed peas, fried potatoes and tomatoes and macorni, yuck. And they continue doing this all thru the meal as well as throwing the "hot rolls"

Look at the drink glasses. WOW

Here are our plates of food (as well as the black eyed peas being served). Phil got 2 pork chops served with 2 sides (he got cucumbers/onions and baked potatoe).
My meal of chicken fried steak is served in a fry pan.

We eat Phil's pork chops and the fried potatoes, okra and we ask for 3 take home boxes, cut my steak up into 3 pieces and take home the baked potatoes and then they give us rolls to take home too.

Phil and the boys eat here when they go canoeing and finally I got to come here when we started traveling. So for $25 we get 5 meals. Not bad!!

Cake and eating it too

We have another favorite place to eat in Kansas City. The 39th street grill. Has a good breakfast, my favorite meal, and Phil thinks it has a great Reuben. It also has a wonderful German Chocolate Cake and huge too. (Phil got me a piece for my birthday). This is there Banana Split Cake look at the size. Just for $6.00 you could have a slice. To expensive for me.

When we go home we are trying to catch the kids at there sports. Here is Audrey at a practice game. She is smiling even thou the other team had been together for the last 4 years and Auds team is new and only her 2nd year. What a good sport she is. The way the weather is going I have a feeling we will be able to catch another game or two when we go home for a weekend or two before going to Memphis. I HOPE.

This is a sleep over at grandma and grandpas house. Well since we have a 5th wheel we turn our living room into a wall to wall bedroom when they all stay. Cambree left about 11:00 when she felt herself falling asleep and wanted her mommie. But the other 5 are here +one, Katie a friend of Ivys spent the nite too. We watched movies. Asa slept in the rocking chair, Audrey under the window, Katie in the red shirt, Ramie in the yellow shirt and Ivy in between them somewhere. Early bird Brennan slept in the "hall" next to the kitchen table. Me well I was in my King size bed "upstairs". And all was well with the world.

Next morning the older girls and I went to church to watch Michael get confirmed. The girls will be confirmed in 2 years. Michael lived with us when he came home from the hospital at 3 months old. We set up a hospital room for him and had an on call nurse. When he was about 1 1/2 years old we chose Marci and Jeff for his parents (they go to our church and both are nurses). His social workers never thought he would live long enough to be adopted-and look at him now he is 14 years old and Confirmed . I cried. Tears of sadness because I know he didn't have to have his problems but many many tears of joy too. Love you Michael & God Bless