These were pretty cool looking. Where they could be put I really don't know. They were made out of gears, bolts, car parts and what ever else they could find. Got to admit thou they did look neat.
They have lots of food vendors .
These rocks looked like bowling balls they were so perfectly round, but none had holes in them. Moved down the line a ways and I saw black ones.
When I saw this I thought it was really a smart idea and something I may want to think about in a few years.
And I think Bonnie's tag said it all
"I go where I am towed".
This is the way to see this circus!!!!!
wow! Those are the largest Geodes I've ever seen (the ones split in half with the crystals on the inside. I've seen the polished bowling ball ones in people's back yards as "gazing stones" - whatever....I'd rather gaze at the birds! :) I've also seen the balls on the top of a bubbling type fountain. The ball kind of floats on the water and you can spin it (Disney had a really large version of this that my kids loved to play with).
I love the junk metal sculptures, they are so detailed and expressive.I like shaved ice, but the soda water must be for all the indigestion. The bowling balls things are glued together... strange. I go where I am "towed" hahahahahahahah! cute!
That is pretty cute. Bring back one of those metal things for our yard-I'm sure it would leave an impression on the stupid HOA!
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