This is the CA entrance. I am taking PT in Blythe, CA which is about 22 miles from Quartzsite, AZ where we are staying. It is a very depressed town. Buildings boarded up welfare cards and homeless people. Saw 2 homeless guys with a dog. They were trying to catch and feed another dog that was homeless. Prices are really high at Albertson's.
Tents of eating places, fresh produce etc etc etc. I can't believe people really want to look at all this stuff especially the ROCKS.
Got Cambree some pretty colored rocks for her rock collection of 1 rock. I know she will like them.
Seen a lot of strange looking people. Like the hippies of my day now the 'rainbow children' I think they are called, wearing dread locks and multi colored clothes carrying musical instruments on there backs. They live out in the desert.
Live and let live.
We were finally able to get us a Post Office Box here we were going to have to use General Delivery and that was making me feel kinda homeless. We also got some free fresh produce from the food bank. Going to Tucson this weekend for a birthday party for Aunt Dora who is here from KS visiting her daughter Colleen. We will plan on getting lots I mean lots of drinking water there because the water here is really BAD.
Guess where I found your blog? On my PHONE!!! And I set a short cut to it from my home page! So I can always find it now! Yay!!! Ok enough about me. I love your Pictures- especially the one of the girl. I would love to see more of the table and rocks and people while they are there. Fun talking to you Tonight. love ya.
That was not mom (Though I am A mom) that is how my Google account on my phone is Set- I will try to change that~ Michelle
Dad is looking at cast iron skillets and other cast iron stuff in that one pic. We will take more pictures of the "Garage sale" and of the rocks. The rocks, well some of the rocks are pretty, also pretty expensive and very big. Some are supposed to be cut down and shinned for jewerly.
I showed Cam the picture of the rocks on my phone and she actually said do you think she could mail me one? then she got extra excited to show Garland.
Michelle you are a dork-a funny one though.
This should be right up dad's alley. So hope he doesn't buy much, but if he does maybe you guys can have a tent set up pretty soon- Love you Dad:-)
zzzzzzzzz Oops I accidently typed that. I think it was a message to me-can't sleep darnit:-( But I liked the picture of the girl too. I thought it was weird that I liked it then thought it was pretty cool Michelle like it to- hmmm we must be sisters!!
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE miles of garage sale stuff! Mike and I would always stop at flea markets when on vacation. Loni didn't always LOVE that, but she has grown into the best garage sale buddy there is, so something must have 'took'. haha. Keep the writing and pictures coming. Love it! Patty
What are you saying about the way my girls dress Marilyn?!?! :) I'm kidding. Vanessa would wear that exact outfit in a heartbeat. And she would feel (and look)beautiful in it!
I'm glad you guys are having a great time! Love you!
Cambree must take after her great-grammie Bickford, a MAJOR rock lover and collector. Well, I sorta like em too. Am really enjoying your blog and pics. Wish I could be traveling with you. Be glad you're not up here in Maine. Cold, cold, cold. Will be lucky to get into teens tomorrow. Had snow and ice on Thursday. I would also love the flea market.
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