I don't know what, where or why these were out in the middle of no where. They are solar panels I know but I don't know anything else. It just looked really strange.

They were all lined up in several rows. It was really neat to see but still kinda SiFy and eerie sorta too.

We went thru Hatch, AZ and kept seeing green and red peppers along side the road and, of course, in field. But we saw no road side stands. Then when leaving town we saw a packing plant for them and a bunch on the side of the road so I conveinced Phil to get out and pick them up. He tasted one and said they were really HOT, as he spit out the window and grabbed a water bottle.

This is what Phil did not want to see again and here it is on the desert. It was really pretty and not very cold. Enjoyed looking at it knowing we wouldn't see it for very long. He survived

Another great day for traveling. We tried to go to Silver City but we had to turn around our 5th wheel was to tall for an overpass so we turned around and then kinda took a wrong turn and saw a lot of things we would have missed. So we usually enjoy when we make a wrong turn. We will spend the night in Tucson and have breakfast with Linda and family. Great sunset in AZ.
Love that they are using the sun as we use the wind, smart thing to do. That's funny about the peppers (sorry dad)/
Seeing dad pick the peppers reminds me of our vacations growing up! Good memories-embarassing sometimes (hey I was a kid- I know better know)but good memories that can make me laugh. Enjoying the pictures.
So how much energy of what they get actually gets to where it's suppose too? Looks like it's out in the middle of nowhere. Same with our windfarms.
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