These are the "rocks" that I made so much fun of. Can't get the real picture of them from these pics. They place them on stands for center pieces etc. Wouldn't go in my house.

This was the most expensive rock I saw $1250.00.
This one was $1050.00. The purple ones were $950.00.
This one was my favorite and I don't remember a price on it.
I'm posting this only because they think I am you. The picture of the guy standing and watering his rocks- from my phone I didn't see the hose and I thought HE was watering the rocks...Hahahahahahahha oh my!
The rocks are beautiful but you are right I don't know what I would do with them- and I think they would go in my house even. And where do they get them from are they destroying beautiful caves for them? I like the wide ones not the tall ones- the one that looked like mountains was really cool.
Those geodes are really cool I especially like the tall purple one and the roundish orange one.
-Asa Unruh
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