Thursday, February 28, 2013

House architecture on the Gulf

 Sorry I don't know anything about the above house's.  I just love the bigness, the round rooms, the heavy stones, the arches, the castle domes.  I wouldn't want to live there but I would like to know the stories behind the doors.  The above were all in Galveston.

The Fulton Mansion was built in 1877 by George Fulton and his wife. He was an engineer and inventor as well as a rancher.  He made his fortune by Shipping hides and cattle tallow to New Orleans. This mansion is in Fulton-Rockport, Tx in the Aransas Bay.  Across the street is a beautiful bay. This house had hot and cold water, indoor plumbing, and a/c way before anyone else.  The trees, as you can see the other picture is wind blown (you will see that also in another blog on plants).

I love to just go driving through the towns to see the architecture of the area's era gone by.

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