Thursday, February 28, 2013

Birds of Texas

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These birds would always follow a heavy rain seeking out food.  Look at those dangerous beeks. I was setting on my couch watching them.
We were sitting inside 5 Guys eating a salad (haha) where I started watching all these birds flying in and landing on the over head wire.  Look how spaced out they are.  One would fly in and land and the others would all move over to make room.  It reminded me that we all have our "personal space".  I was fascinated by this.


When the waves were so high and brought in all the sea weed the sea gulls were thick.  But they were so much fun to watch.  There little babies move so fast over the sand.
We were waiting at the dock for a fishing boat to come in with there catch for the day and this brown pelican was setting on the pier post (as they do).  I moved in to take a picture.  He just sat there posing for me.  He would keep turning so I could get different sides of him.  I was excited that I could get so close.  But, I am sure he is so use to people.

Here I think he is saying "are you through yet, I am getting hungry and ready to fly on".

Phil has signed on to go out on the fishing boat and he hopes he catches some fish so he doesn't waste his money.  Me I am kinda hoping he only catches a few.  Our freezer will only hold so much.  The catch of the day when we were watching was Red Snapper.  I was not impressed.

Hmmmm maybe we could have a fish fry for our Easter Family Dinner.

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