Friday, March 16, 2012

Trees and more trees 3-12-12

These are the trees and bushes of San Diego, Ca. They are so very different from the ones in Kansas and we found them extremely fasinating (to us any ways). Hope I don't bore you.
This is called a Bottle Brush tree. If you look close you will see vines coming down from the tree and on the end of those vines you will see a red flower. Shaped like a bottle brush.

See I told you so. It just takes you by surprise.
This tree reminded us of a magnoila tree. But it isn't and I don't know what kind it is.
Phil and I were walking down the sidewalk to our truck, we had to park it 2 blocks from Loren's house because everyone parks on the street. Anyway something smelled so good and there it was a lemon tree blooming. We know this because a young couple walking to there car from the other way were watching us and we had to explain what we were doing and they laughed and said it was wonderful walking on this block due to the flowering trees.
Here is a tree on the street to Balboa Park. It is so tall. Well I guess you can see that for yourselves.
Sorry about this picture (I took from car while moving in traffic). The limbs just curl and go every where.
WOW wouldn't this make a swell picture to have a family picture done on.
Another big tree with a lady statute holding Birds of Paradise flowers in her hand. In front of Balboa Park.
This is the same tree as earlier that I liked for a family picture

Just a pretty flowered tree at the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano.
Another flowered tree on in Harbor Park.
This is a live tree. Yep a live tree.
See it has flowers on it. If there are a lot of bunches of leaves on it we didn't see the flowers. No leaves then we would see the flowers.
See these trees have bunches of leaves and no flowers.
Just another funny growing tree in a front yard. We loved the yards along the coast line. They all had wonderfully manicured lawns. But they were all real close together.
Bird of Paradise bushes. They were even in the middle of the streets. They were beautiful and look like birds.
This is a Dragon Tree at the Hotel Del Coronado on Coronado island. It is native to the Canary Islands and was planted here prior to the turn of the century. It was used as a back drop for Marilyn Monroe when her movie 'Some Like It Hot' was filmed here in 1958.
Do you want to guess as to why these holes are in this tree? Yes I know you probably guessed it. Wood Peckers. Right. the amazing thing is that it was just riddled with the holes. This was also at the Mission of San Juan.


Michelle said...

One of your best posts yet! Love the trees. :-)
(Dang I thought I changed that :-( no mom is not loving her own posts, this is Michelle)

Anonymous said...

This IS a great post. You are right Michelle (or Marilyn, as the case may be. :) Even, though that would be some bragging, Marilyn. ) I never realized there were so many different kinds of trees in that area. Very cool!! ***I STILL want to hear about the penthouse party! Love ya, Patty.