Saturday, March 31, 2012

San Diego 2012

We went from Quartzite, AZ to Blythe, CA then took highway 8 to San Diego. last time we did that we got really side tracked and never made it to San Diego this time we are. Driving along the highway we started seeing more sand and more sand. Kinda like when you come upon the white sand dunes only this was "regular" sand. Yep sand dunes big time with sand dune buggies. I know some kids, and their parents who would have alot of fun out there.
Then we see some new kind of architecture. They would cover there sidewalks back then due to the hot weather. So I guess this was the first of the malls.
Got these pictures a little out of order because this was the beginning of the sand.

Then we started into the real mountain climbing. Seen lots of these containers with big signs telling you to watch your radiator and pull offs so you could let your cars cool down.

Then on a side road we saw it. An alien, a little green man. Actually there were alot of alien things on this side road. I think may be some really strange people hung out on this road. We left.

Yep I know we have seen this before, well rocks stacked up similar to this any ways.
This was just kinda funny. Coming up the mountain and you start seeing several windmills in front of you. I think they are neat.
Here the desert land scape is starting to change. We started seeing more green ground cover. Can't really call it grass.
Then TREES. I was excited to see "normal" trees. We are almost there. Almost to San Diego.

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