Sunday, March 11, 2012

Slab City

This is the Slab City welcome sign. It was a Marine training base Ft Dunlap. It is a WWII guard shack. Phil had been talking to some travelers in Quartzsite and they said they were going to go stay at Slab City for a few days. The only thing I knew about it was what I saw on TV about a month ago. It told about a family of 5 , the father had lost his job and no money coming in so they moved out to slab city in a small RV where they had to go to town to get water, had no electricity, no water. and no sewer. They formed a neighborhood with the other people living there. I thought that it looked bad and not healthy for children. I thought it was terrible that we here in the US had to live like that.

Well it isn't as bad for some who still take pride in themselves and there surroundings. This group of slab city dwellers have built onto there small RV.
I can't really tell you about this other than they also did this to a car that was on a trailer. Why I don't know other than they had nothing better to do with their time or trash. Did they drive this? I don't know.
This is a slab where army buildings once stood. The government came in and bulldozed all the buildings and left only the slabs all over this once army base. An old school bus can make a good home I guess.
This neighborhood established a cafe here on a slab. There were a lot of RV's around just parked where ever. There is no electric, no water and no sewer. I just cannot imagine. You would see people camped in tents, under tarps, under trees, in old buses, trucks and then down the trail a ways you would see $100,000.00 motor home with solar panels on top. Trash blowing every where catching onto bushes. One motor home had just pulled in and they were out with trash bags picking up trash around there little area They said it made them feel like they helped a little.
There was a sign on this trailer saying "library" and sure enough we looked in the windows and saw rows of books. I don't know who they checked books out to or how they kept track of them. But it was kinda nice to see. I got the feeling that each group of trailers was a family type thing.. They would have rocks scattered around dividing off the boundaries.
This is that old school bus or RV saw from a different direction. You would think no one lived there but I had a feeling that someone did.

I'm glad I saw this with my own eyes and that the people I saw seemed to be OK with it. I will pray for the others. All I know is that Slab City is not some place I will want to visit again.

Continue on to Salvation Mountain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I just caught up with the last week or so of your trip. You guys are seeing SO MANY cool things and sites. How wonderful. Thanks for all the pictures and comentary. I've never heard of most of these things, so it's really interesting seeing the pics and hearing about them. They remind me of books that Mike has about "Oddities and Strange Sites". There's a book for every state, and there are some pretty strange things in the US! I'm just glad you're getting to see them and tell us about them. Keep having FUN and stay safe.
PS: How was the party at the pent house??????? Love, Patty