Sunday, March 11, 2012

Salvation Mtn and Box Canyon

This was a surprise to me. I knew we were going to see Salvation Mountain the painted mountain, but, I didn't know this was what we were going to see. It is 50' high and 150' wide. Made totally of adobe clay and painted with donated paint. Lenard started painting it in 1986 (what I could find any way ) and lived in a 1939 old fire truck on site with no electricity or water He worked faithfully on it with others who wanted to help. The painter passed away just 6 weeks ago. Phil liked that UPS picked up here also.
You can see that some one will have to finish the right side of it and I am sure some one will pick up where he left off. There are vehicles setting around the mountain with REPENT or something printed on them.
Just seeing the devotion he had for this his Salvation Mountain. He had dementia for several years and still continued on with this project.
We came driving down this asphalt road sometimes covered with sand that had blown over it during the last couple of days. Came upon these big boulders on both sides of the road and I quickly thought of the cowboys movies that I had seen when they were boxed in a canyon. Hence the roads name "Box Canyon". It w a s awesome.
And, of course, you know me and my pictures of the rocks. Look at the veins in this boulder of a mountain. I would have walked over to it but I am afraid of snakes. (And they caution all the time of the snakes).
Here the boulders are standing up right like some one decided to change up the scenery.
And then again a change of smooth mountains. Well in this Box Canyon we did have an exit and escaped.

Go on to see the Salton Sea next.

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