Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The McPhaul Bridge to nowhere

WOW when I saw this bridge I immediately thought of the Golden Gate Bridge. So we drove up to the road block sign and got out of the car and, of course, climbed over the sign and got close to the bridge.

It was really fascinating to see up close. I mean look at these nuts and bolts holding the suspension cable to the cement structure.

The bridge was built in 1928 to cross the Gila River so people, mostly miners, who before the bridge had to pay a high price to cross the river by ferry.

It was built before the Golden Gate Bridge (which was built in 1933) as a prototype or inspiration for the Golden Gate.

They were designed by the same designer.

It is so narrow, but, pictures I have seen show travel both ways. Yes the first autos were smaller than todays.

I tried to show the construction of the bridge with the 2 x 4's. Which was also the death of the bridge. Transients are said to have a started a campfire on the bridge which made it unsafe to travel.

The bridge was also used my General Patton when he brought tanks and troops over the bridge.


Anonymous said...

What a NEAT thing to find! Did you read about it and go there, or did you just happen upon it? Such a great story and your pictures are Wonderful!! Love this post! Patty

Brother Terry said...

Thanks for the two posts. I am living vicariously through you, so I have been pretty bored the last couple of weeks. Please keep them coming!! Love you guys and miss you.

Anonymous said...

Love the farm pictures. Especially the layers of different colors. I bet dad takes a shovel from now on. (did he buy one at the camper (garage) sale??haha). Do any of the bridges in Az work?