Sunday, February 26, 2012

I got these pictures posted in the wrong order and I can't figure out how to put them in the right order so please put up with me. It starts with the employees walking behind a conveyor belt and cutting the brocoli or cabbage off and placing it on the belt. It goes up the belt where they trim and box them. Goes on another belt in the box where they put the lids on the box and place the boxes on the flat bed truck. When the truck is full it goes to the warehouse.

This is a cotton gin plant. The yellow stacks are the cotton
seeds and the white is the cotton bales.

This is the elementary school in Quartzsite. A big 2 story building very few windows. So plain looking.

A front yard in Quartzsite. there is also a alligator and what
you can't see is the elephant. The picture below is the
typical front yard only more so. Usually it is just crushed
rock with big rocks winding thru for paths.

This is our new hood ornament. The dove just sat there while we got in the car. Then he flew away.

The old and the new. RV 's out in the desert and then across the street you see this new house. It just doesn't belong here. The porch goes all the way around it both upstairs and down.

This blog post is so missed up but I have had some real computer problems this evening. Well I guess the computer problems stem from me not being smart enough to figure it out. Hope you can follow thru it and hopefully I will figure it out by my next blog.

Our plan is to go to CA this week for a couple of days and sorta see CA in parts. This week it is San Diego to LA.

My therapy has been slowed because I over did it and now we think I have some inflamation in it (for the last 3 weeks) so when I ride in the car I use my sling again and it feels much better.

This blog goes into the next one. Thanks for stopping by.


Brother Terry said...

Thanks sis. I appreciate seeing what you guys are doing. Sounds very interesting. Be careful as you travel - I love you!

Anonymous said...

You guys are seeing so many new and interesting things! I'm so happy for you that you get to do that. I hope your shoulder starts feeling better so you can enjoy everything to the fullest. Keep having fun and stay safe. Love you guys! Patty