Saturday, September 26, 2009

Natchez Trace

Phil was always talking about the neat ride on the Natchez Trace. Starting in Mississippi and finishing up in Nashville. So off we went in my truck. Well all along the way he kept saying "it was better on my motorcycle" so it quickly became a long trip in my truck with a few neat sights along the way. We were going to see the water falls on the way back but it was too dark and to far to walk then. I kept thinking of the people who first walked the trail or on horseback or wagon. Glad I live in this time.
This home made add on to the RV was a neat sight to see. This man was an architech who designed and built it and lives in Texas but travels around with his dog. Does he not look like he is enjoying himself. When I asked if I could take his picture he said a lot of people take his picture. I think the dog must have already finished his drink he looks pretty relaxed and never raised his head at us. You see and meet some pretty strange people traveling.

Of course, we couldn't travel to far without Phil meeting new friends. These bikers met on a motorcycle forum and now travel on weekends together. They exchanged a few stories while I took pictures of the monument and read my book I always have with me for occasions like this.

I thought this was pretty interesting. I have seen tobacca plants drying in the barns but I don't remember seeing it blooming.

I think this is a great picture. I like to see old barns and silos.
We finished up at the Loveless Cafe and bought some Strawberry Jam and Blackberry Jam but the resturant had people lined up so we went on into Nashville and ate at Riotella's Bar. Had great hamburgers, Michelle and Laramie had eaten there on ther motorcycle trip.
It was a pretty drive I just felt that Phil didn't enjoy it near as much in the truck. But I'm still not getting on the back of his bike!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mississippi Delta Fair

I looked out my window one morning and saw the workers from the fair setting up a ride. It was fun to watch. After setting up the center of the ride, the motor and thing that makes it turn they raised up the American Flag. WOW that was neat.

I looked every so often to see what it was. Just looking at it and the semi beside it I guessed it was the Merry Go Round. Later on that day I found out I was right. We got to watch several things being set up for the fair.

The tents, ferris wheel, and a big circle of lights that later I discovered it was actually a track where a ride went all the way around that circle.

Can't really tell but if you look close at the green glob
on the left side of this picture it is a frog. The
ride was the HOPPY. Went out my door one Sat. and I could hear little screams and pretty soon another scream and then another. When I looked in this direction I saw. A car of little kids riding up to the top and then down a little ways and bounce. Everytime it came down aways and bounced the kids would scream. I stood there watching and laughed.

From the front of our 5th wheel we could see the Merry Go Round and to the front and West we saw the ferris wheel on the right.

I love this picture of the Delta Fair at night. If you look on the left of the picture you see the circle of light, that was the ride I was talking about earlier.

I don't like riding the rides anymore, I don't even like going to the fairs, but I sure enjoyed watching them set it up and hearing the music and watching the people from my front door.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


We went to Houston 2 weeks ago to check on
a new RV. But it wasn't what we wanted so it
was a wasted trip for that reason but it was a
fun trip just seeing the different scenery.
is Galveston Bay. The hurricane came thru here last year but the devastation is still there. Piers
that were there are now just the poles sticking out of the water, where houses were is now parts
of houses with tarps or piles of trash. Really pretty sad but then you see the houses that are being built right next to the water. WOW what chances are being taken just for the view.

The new houses are being built with cement
poles now instead of wood. And looks like
maybe higher up. But still i just couldn't take
the risk again and again.
Here is someone's porch. I really couldn't believe all the trash still around.

I'm looking at this tanker but seeing a cruise ship out there. I'm really liking that picture.

This is the ferry we took over to go to Houston. It was full. While we were waiting in line a young boy got his fising pole out of his truck and went over and fished for about 15 minutes. It was like out of a Huck Finn movie. He didn't catch anything but I don't think he minded.

Had a wonderful hotel room and for having only a two day trip we packed in a lot of sight seeing and good time.
My next trip will be going home. HOME SWEET HOME. YEA HOME.

Stilll Memphis

Taking the kids to the casino's at Tunica, Ms. They are purty neat buildings and colorfull. Had a hard time getting the kids to pose infront of the slot machines.

Ivy was ready
to poise and
then Asa said OK and Ramie I think didn't want her friends to see her here or maybe it was the sign saying "No one under 18 on the floor".
But, we had to go see Paula Dean for lunch. She was waiting for us on her front porch.
Look at the smile on her face she was so glad to see us. Of course, dropping over a hundred $ for lunch into the cash drawer probably helped her.
It was a pretty good lunch and lots of choices and boy can she bake those cheese rolls.

Then we were so full we couldn't walk so we took
the trolley around downtown Memphis. It really
was a pretty neat way to see Memphis until a bag man got on and he smelled like we needed to give him a bath.

Time to leave and the kids
were not excited. Maybe it was the idea of
the long drive home and could of it had been the
leaving of Grandma and Grandpa.
Thanks for the visit. Love you all

Took Memphis with a storm

Boy you can sure tell I haven't blogged in a while
I can't seem to get my pictures in right. Oh well,
we will just do it this way I guess because if I
try and change it I will just delete pics.

We ended the night with yogurts at Sheridans. They make some of the best mixes and so many to chose from it is hard. But, Phil has his favorite. Chocolate yogurt, peanut butter with choc chips, I call it Death by Chocolate.

We were sitting in our RV and it was a little stormy and all of a sudden we hear sirens. But the weather man said no bad weather. So were just visited and then a little more wind but still not bad. Then we hear on the news that Wolfchase Mall, north of us about 10 miles was hit by a tornado. Well, there hotel was just south of the Mall a block. Needless to say they had to find another room for the night. The hotel roof looks just like this today still not repaired.
This was the second tornado close to us while we are here in Memphis. I bet these people want us to leave.

The kids and I took Mississippi by a storm also. There was
no sales tax over the weekend so I took the kids school
shopping. Needless to say it was very very crowded but I think we all had a good time. Asa was our bag carrier. He did a great job. Of course it rained on us.

The the kids had to give us all a show. Here is a sample of there new clothes and shoes. Can't forget the shoes. They each had they own ideas on what tennys they wanted.

So sorry I had to work because I was working nights and I was a little tired while we shopped but I took a nap while they all went out for more BarBQ.

Unruhs in Memphis

I was so excited when the day finally came that Michelle's were in Memphis. The hotel reservations were made, the plans made and our excitement was at its peak. I see them they are here.
The weather didn't hold together for us but that is another blog with pictures. This blog is only for the good times we had.
I had to work so Phil took the kids to the Memphis Zoo. Where they saw the elephants, monkeys, tigers etc etc etc. Here is Asa and the Polar Bears. Note Asa's hat from Wellington, Ks.
Memphis Zoo is known for the Panda Bears. They
grow the bamboo just a couple blocks from our RV
park. Ivy took lots of pictures

Then "the ride" Michelle and Laramie didn't come to see us. They just brought the kids to Memphis to see Grandpa and Grandma and then they go on a motorcycle ride. Phil had planned the route, he had been on this ride earlier and enjoyed the scenery. I think it lived up to Michelle and Laramie's expectations. They had a great time and spent the night in Nashville.

Got my pictures mixed up just a little but this is priceless. I think Michelle is saying "how do I get my leg over this?" She is our "Motorcycle Momma" while Beck and I are holding back. Maybe someday we will.
They went and eat alot of BarBQ, I did say alot.
They were on Beale Street and Mud Island. We just didn't have enough time. But enjoyed there visit so very much.
Thanks for making our time in Memphis great. So sorry about the weather.

Unruhs in Memphis