Friday, February 20, 2009

A young man

Tuesday evening we went to Wellington, ks for the Wellington Farmers Coop stock holders meeting where they were to mention Phil's dad. Virginina, Phils mom, wrote a letter to the board and told them how the Coop got it's start. Back in 1947 when Ralph came down with Polio and while laying in bed he thought that the farmers around the area needed a Coop. Ralph talked with another farmer and they got 5 other men to invest $100.00 each and they built an elevator. Ralph is the only one of the seven men still living.

The thing that impressed me most about the night was when we were leaving, on our way out to the car a young man, early 20's, came up to Ralph and said "I just want to shake your hand and say Thank you for giving me a job". It brought tears to my eyes. He was so sincere and thankful it was just so awesome. I don't know how much Ralph took in or how much it meant to him but I was impressed with that young man. That made my whole evening.

We have had two appointments to get our taxes figured and the agent has called an cancelled so we are going Monday. What do they say third time is a charm. I don't know why I'm so anxious to get it done they will just take our refund anyway. BUT that is another story!

We are on a count down now. Our last week at home. We have to be at work March 2 in Junction City, Ks. We neither one are looking forward to it. We have enjoyed our time off and our time in Az. We should be happy we have a great job because of the condition of our world I certainly don't want to be a Wal-mart greeter so we continue on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phil tells me that the young man made Ralph and Virginias evening also. I'm so glad they got that because it was so GREAT. Note from marilyn