Wednesday, February 4, 2009

vacation is to fast coming to an end

Got our first work orders by email today since middle of December. We will go back on the road for work March 2nd. We need to but, by gosh not sure we want to.

Made dr appts for us for 2 weeks from now. Phil hasn't been feeling real well so he is going in for a top to bottom check up. We have been walking alot here and I almost have Phil trained not to stop and talk to everyone we see. The word here is almost.

Went to the biggest Gem and Fossil show in the US yesterday. There are 46 different locations set up around Tucson. I guess you have to be into that kind of thing to see much use in it. There were people here from several different countries with rocks of all shapes and sizes. HSN comes here first and gets what they want for there TV show and then it's open to the public. Had an impession of a palm tree and several fish on a slab about 8' x 12' and selling for $50,000. Why?

Phil went to a hamburger feed here at the park and I went to lunch with cousin Linda at my Aunt Esther's place today. She has a super nice apt. She lives in independent living and has a resturant style dining area. Really a nice, friendly place and she is happy there too. She has macular degeneration of both eyes has lost vision in one eye and now getting shots in the other eye to help prevent it getting worse. Pray it works. I had such a good day especially when she told me she was so happy because got double today. When I asked what she meant said she got to see Dorothy (my mom) and Marilyn. In other words I reminded her of my mom.

It was 85 today and be that tomorrow and then the rain will move in an it will get down to high 50's for the week end. Going to miss that!!


Anonymous said...

Almost 70 here today should be the same Friday and Saturday so not too bad here either.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

That made me cry (I am so related to grandma) about her getting to see Dorothy and Marilyn. I wouldn't ever want to live that far from my sister, especially in that lonely time of life, and I can only imagine how much that meant to her!

Michelle mentioned the good temps, but didn't mention the 50 mph winds. Yuck, do they have the wind there?
