Monday, February 23, 2009

doctor appts

This is our last week home. Well we call our RV home and that can be whereever we are parked but home to me is parked in Michelle's driveway.

We all went out to eat after church and had a great time. Spent about 2 hours there OK it was a little long for the kids but all in all they did great.

Phil went to the dr this morning and his blood pressure was a little high, and has been for a while, and his energy level has'nt been real good and he's been having shortness of breath so I took my note pad in and told the dr everything I thought needed to be looked at. His blood sugars are good, A1C 6.6, now we are waiting for the blood work to come back. Thinking his thyroid might be messed up causing some of this. The dr referred him to a cardio to get a valium stress treadmill test. So Thurs he will go in get an IV of med and get under a camera for 22 min to see how his heart does at rest. Then he'll get more meds and get on a treadmill to stress his heart and then under the camera again for 22 mins to see how his heart does under stress. He had a treadmill test in 2002 but nothing like this. When I told Phil it'd take 2-3 hours he said he could'nt walk on a treadmill for two hours!! So tune in for the rest of the story when we get results. Pray for good results.

Cambree also goes in Thurs for tear duct surgery. She's had it before and it didn't work so they are going in for more intense surgery. So pray for Cambree.

Tues we will go to Ivy's school for Ivy's program they are all so much fun. I think the best thing about it is the smile on their face and the way their eyes light up when they see the family there to watch them.

The weather is going to be pretty nice for the next couple of days and then it will get colder, we need moisture here but I hope it comes in the form of rain only.

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