Monday, June 4, 2012

surfside beach, tx after school week--part 1 0f 2

Soon after leaving Wichita, ks the 3 oldest were sleeping. Not long after the other 3 fell asleep.  We drove all night stopping for bathroom breaks.
One bathroom break in Texas we found the coolest rest area. Phil slept while the kids ran around the area, They had a play area with lots of neat play ground equipment and the cleanest restrooms.
We saw tug boats pushing huge barges.  The question asked was "why do they call them tug boats."
We rode the ferry in Galveston, Tx.  The kids were really anxious about it.  But not for very long. They all got out of the van and went upstairs to see everything and take pictures. And then ran back downstairs from front to back to see everything.
They don't look scarred do they.  I love there smiles.

Audrey and Ramie had the camera.
In Galveston we saw the rebuilt town.  The buildings were changed and modern.  Here they built an amusement park on the pier.  It was opening that next weekend.  Thank goodness we missed the opening it was expensive and I am sure busy. But, it was pretty cool looking.
They all wanted to stop at Joe's Crab Shack, and get a t-shirt.  This was one of the business's that was rebuilt.  We were really disappointed by the new look.  We liked the old original one best. 
Finally at our destination. A view from our beach house deck.  Look at the calm waters.
The boys having their "cup of coffee" on the deck that first morning. They were enjoying the morning.
The beach was a little trashy with "sea trash".  The kids had fun looking thru it.

Here is Brennan, Audrey and Cambree in the water.  They did learn how to ride the Boogie boards. If they had more time and someone who actually knew how to do it they'd have learned better, but, they had a good time.
First night dishes were done by Cambree and Ramie. Second night was Asa and Brennan.  And third night was Ivy and Audrey but I can't bring the picture up. I think Ivy erased the evidence.
 Cambree and her new found friend, Mitzi. She was from a town just 30 minutes away and came for the weekend because school wasn't out. She was jealous of Cambree because she lived on the beach and could go swimming anytime she wanted. They had fun digging and boogie boarding.

Loving Audrey having a good time.

 Look at these two guys with there googles on.

This is Ivy having fun.  I did catch her in the water a few pictures down.

 Brennan and Asa having their "night cap" on the deck (look at their glasses). Water was great sounding in the background.
Smores for desert tonight.  Couldn't build a fire outside, wind, so I showed the kids how to make smores over an electric stove. (Sorry moms)
 Here the kids are outside in the dark with flashlights goind "Ghost Crab hunting".  They had a great time.  I stayed on the deck and watched them.  I had the greatest time listening to their excitement and wonder of the night beach life.

 This is called "digging a hole for yourself" OK so they were setting on their knees in a hole but they had a great time.

 Cambree's ocean friends.  It was so interesting watching the clams surface and dig again and watching the bubbles.  Who say's old people can't still learn things.  Cam's excitement and searching things out taught me a lot.  Thanks Cam.
 This is Grandpa fishing with Cambree setting in the chair with her fishing pole and fishing also.  This is in front of our house. But, the night before they went in a canal and Cambree and Brennan each caught  a fish..
Para sailing looks like fun but I couldn't find a taker in our group. So we all just watched.

Surfside was fun but not as clean as it usually is.  Nothing to do here but the "beach" and that isn't quite enough for our 6.  But I bet they would all go again if asked.    Surfisde Beach, Tx 5-2012

1 comment:

A.J. Bricks said...

Great pictures, Marilyn. Thank you. I agree, I think they would all go again in a minute. Audrey and Cambree told me a lot about it last night on our video chat. It was SO great, almost like sitting together in the living room talking. Cam showed me her shells, toys, dolls, and read a book to me. Loved it. These things all mean so much when you can't be there.