Sunday, July 19, 2009


Here is our Rv in Memphis, Tn and Phil getting ready to leave to go to the motor cycle rally in Sturgis. I was a little worried because of the big pack he was taking. Kinda dwarfed him I thought and might not let him see behind him very well. Well he said he looked in his mirrors and they set out far enough.
My next question was how are you going to get on and off of the bike? He said the same way I'd get on and off of it if I had a rider. Oh.

He got on just fine and he was actually taller than the pack so what am I so worried about.
Nothing I guess
well maybe him looking like a real biker
and without his biker momma.

No actually someone had to go to work Friday night and I was elected.
As I waved goodby I thought of all the things I would do now that I'm by myself.
He called me at work and said he'd gotten to Sturgis OK and rode with some other bikers going there. He met somebody from Lincoln, Ne and the guy recognized him as the person who has given him his hearing test for the last 2 years.
Phil said there were girls walking around topless, loud music and alot of people. Not bluegrass music and nothing like Winfield. Should I be worried now! The next call I get is at midnight and my honey was in his tent and going to sleep he had had a long day and was tired.
He is on his way home as we speak - pray he has a safe ride. Maybe someday I'll ride with him it is just that I can't seem to get excited about riding on a motorcycle. I use to back in my 20s but that was aaaaaaaaaa long time ago and I'm kinda over it. I'd rather be home watching my grandkids riding there bikes.
Soooooo I think when we retire in Sept we will probably be planning on two different retirement lives-his includes canoeing the Mississippi, biking, watching the space shuttle take off and spending our winters in Az. Mine includes a cruise or two, keeping my 13 year old granddaughters in line, watching Asa and Ivy play soccer and Brennan play football and Cambree being Cambree, and then spending our winters in Az.
Oh yes this Sturgis is in Kentucky his next Sturgis is in Arkansas and then the big one in SD.
Oh yes I spent all day Saturday sleeping, awake all night (not much to do then) and Sunday sleeping again. Working nights doesn't let you have much a life.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Titled this me in little letters. Trying to put my life in perspective and I see. Not as bad as Palins or the grieving families of soldiers who have died or many others my life is easy. So there it is I have got it figured out.

The lady who said I yelled at her is my bff (i think that is it). She has health problems and so now I have convinced her to see a doctor and she is going to see him Thurs and tells me she is going because I showed sincere caring for her. I pray her results are good.

Our badges now let us into park close to security and allows us into the building to use the bathroom. I am still "wand" when I go thru the airport type security at Fed ex because of my knees-but that is OK. We have 3 more weeks of nights and then go to days for 5 weeks.

We are still being hounded by IRS and State of Ks for back taxes due. Kansas says we haven't filed taxes since 2004-well there is a reason for that. Our residence has been in SD since 2004, but since we showed our Valley address as a mailing address we now have to prove where we live. KS is wanting only $7000.00 Federal wants twice that. We have turned it over to someone new but I'm thinking we should maybe get us a good tax attorney. Any ideas or money? This to will pass.

My eating habits are lousy right now. We have 2 meals a day. If you are diabetic then you know that is not good. So I'm thinking us retiring will be a good thing for our health.

I saw pictures of Mike on Loni's facebook and was so happy to see him enjoying his granddaughters. I pray for Mike and Patty, I love them both and want to see them enjoy life again. You know you can enjoy life where you are in life. It is up to you. When will I learn to follow and apply these thoughts to my life.

Ok so you have guessed I'm feeling a little low today but this to will pass. I know I'm tired. I heard on the radio yesterday that a person working nights never gets used to it because their biological clock is reset every morning by the sun. I thought I was getting use to working nights and then 4th of July happened.

Well I need to wake Phil up so we can get ready to go to work. And start our day over again.

I'll regroup and be better tomorrow. Thank God there is always tomorrow.

Friday, July 3, 2009

This is Olive Branch, Mississippi a town that will be special in our minds for along time. We are working in Memphis, Tn. and had to take our 5th wheel into get the toilet worked on. Soooooo since we couldn't sleep we decided to go file for Social Security. YEA. The closest one was here.
A very nice lady took a us right away and had us signed up before we knew it. Wouldn't let us take pictures of the momentous occasion. As of Sept 1 we will be officially on Social Security. Getting our first checks the 3rd Wed in October. It is really kinda scary to me. We are retiring the Sept 10th, our last job here in Memphis, Tn. Please keep Jennifer and her family in your prayers her father is getting a new pace maker
today (she was our nice lady)

I worked Wed night by myself while Phil went to Beale Street Bike Night. He said it was slow and the band that he liked last year wasn't there but you know Phil he had a good time. When I got home Wed morning we took our 5th wheel in so I got no sleep. He went to work with me Th and got off at 1am for 4th of July Holiday so after sleeping for 4hrs we went out to eat. This is the Blue Plate the #1 rated breakfast restaurant in Memphis-Elvis ate here alot. The inside is pretty cute.

This was a rough week for me. I got into it with our contact person Mon. She told us we had no access to the building (incidentally is where the bathroom is). I told her that that was not acceptable and I would not work under those conditions. Oh we had access to the restroom but we had to ask someone to unlock the doors for us. You don't tell an old lady who takes a water pill that she cannot go to the restroom when she needs to go. We have not seen her since and now we have badges to admit us into the building. Yea for the good guys.
This probably happened for a reason. I think it made us head to the Social Security Office faster.
So for that I am thankful.