Saturday, March 28, 2009

what a week

We came home from KC last week to take mom and dad to Uncle Noel's 85th birthday party and had a bonus. We were able to attend one of Asa's soccer games. He is fun to watch, he really enjoys playing. Here he is on the left with Brennan who went with us to watch Asa play. They are good friends as well as cousins.

On to Uncle Noel's birthday. Here is Uncle Noel, Uncle Doug (the baby) and my Mom. Uncle Noel is in a care home now due to his alzheimers is getting worse and his wife isn't able to do for him (she is behind them). My cousin Kelly (Doug's daughter) is on the right. It was a happy time with a touch of saddness. Uncle Noel looks older and alittle unkept (he was always dressed UP and looking sharp) Uncle Doug came in a wheel chair (has nuopthropy in his legs) and then mom who looked great and was misty eyed. She asked Noel if he knew who she was and he said he recognized her voice as they hugged. He didn't know who I was.

We left for KC and then to Beloit well Clay Center just happens to be on the way and they just happened to have a doz nut rolls. We bought one doz (surprise- we usually buy 15). B u t since the weather got bad and we couldn't go to Wichita this weekend, they we in line for 6-10 of snow, we headed to Omah, Ne and now we have to eat the rolls. I hate when that happens.

We ended our week in Cawker City, Ks the home of the world's largest ball of string. WOW this farmer needed to go out and plant another row of wheat. Nothing else in town to see or do and once you have seen this ball of string you leave as soon as you can. And since a blizzard was moving in we sped out of there pretty fast but we had one more stop to make on our way to our next job.

OK so we didn't go to New York. This one is in the Glen Elder, Ks in there town square. This town square is one of a kind. One every corner there is a sign telling us what church season it is. So now there is the story of Easter. It was good to see.

Time to get moving again. Need to be in Omaha, Ne Monday for work but we wanted to get out of the weather also. Besides during Lent the Catholic Church's have fish suppers on Friday. And Phil loves fish suppers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kelly actually looks a little older. She had looked the same for years- maybe it's just the picture of her in my mind that has looked the same;) who knows.
