Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Here is our ASA Happy Birthday

I have to start here due to the fact I didn't know how to save and down load pictures before this.

Isn't he great!! Look at that smile. Asa is guite a young man

who can do anything, but doesn't set out to set the world

on fire. But could if he wanted too.

Asa is a wonderful soccer player he hustles after the ball and isn't afraid to get into the mix of things. Here he is the goal keeper. If I remember correctly while I was taking this picture his mom was yelling at him to watch the ball.
We tried to call him earlier today to sing Happy Birthday to him and guess what he was at soccer practice. Anxious to watch some of his games this spring. Go Asa

Here he is in the lazy river with his dad. We all had a great time at this indoor water park. He enjoyed the slide especially when he went down with his mom and got her good and wet.

We took the kids on a tour of a cement plant-not sure they enjoyed it but looks like they were having a good time with the safety glasses and hard hats on.

Went to Steamboat Arabia in Kansas City and he enjoyed that. The kids spent the weekend with us boy was that fun. We went to work and they stayed by themselves for a few hours and did wonderful.

For Christmas he and Ivy were two of the three Kings. If you look closely you can see with his big smile that he is finally missing a couple teeth. He has been real slow loosing those teeth.

We were able to be home and attend his Blue and Gold Banquet this past weekend. Isn't he happy (and when are you going to get that hair cut)

Gee now I sound like my Grandad did.

His mom and dad painted his face. The signs of the bear. It is a pretty neat part of the ceremony. The boys enjoyed the face painting and then they put on a real cute skit. Asa has really enjoyed his time in Boy Scouts and plans on continuing. He always has pop corn to sell if anyone needs some.

His mom is looking pretty proud of her son as one of his scout leaders shakes his hand after he has gotten all of his awards (which he got quite a few of).

Asa is a very caring guy but has an onrey side to him with a sly little smile which gives it away. He is good in school and loves his grandma more (Asa and my joke).
Asa we love you and wish we could have been there tonight to help you celebrate but we will be home this weeked and you tell mom she has to bake a birthday cake then too. Love, prayers and special kisses and hugs on this your special day. (I tried to do this earlier today and lost the pictures and then had to go to work so I'm going to push the publish button and pray this work.)
Grandma and Grandpa


Anonymous said...

Thanks grandma I loved it


Anonymous said...

I loved this little tribute to our Asa. He is a very special boy, and we all love him lots! Please tell him that his 'Great Aunt Patty of Oz' wishes him the very happiest birthday ever.