Thursday, March 19, 2009

merle and smoke

Well you thought they were just in California. Nope right on the streets of Valley Center. No one is safe. On the Left is Phil, then Laramie and then Jon. They were off for a road trip. Not like the one that Tim Allen took in Hogs gone Wild. They made it home safely after eating to much bar-b-q, it was a very pretty day to ride.
While in town to see the doctor last week I won tickets to see Merle Haggard from KFDI. It was at a casino in OK and we were working less than 20 miles away. Phil always wanted to see him. We got there and stood in a line that snaked its way thru the parking lot. I kept stepping out of line because the man in front of us was smoking only to find out when we got into the big circus tent that you COULD smoke. The place was packed and the people were setting up more folding chairs so we grabbed two on the end of the row across from one of the exits, 2/3 of the way back. We couldn't see the stage hardly and the two screens they had were almost as useless, the sound system didn't exist. Do I sound ungrateful?
John Anderson, Seminole fame, looked old and hard but we could hear him sorta. In between sets (30-40mins) the people got up got more beer smoked more and talked. Then Merle came on Phil said he looked like a ghost and was probably better 20 years ago. The people never quit talking. I would say 10% of the people left after his first couple of songs. I felt so sorry for Merle and the way people disrespected him. The casino was celebrating 1 year and tossed out T-shirts, hence my face mask. It was so smokey I couldn't breath and then they turned the fans on which brought cold cold air thru those life breathing exits. I was not a happy camper. But I got to see, well sorta of, Merle's bus.

I coughed so much that the next morning I woke up coughing up blood. Then we moved to Chanute, KS for our next job and before going to bed I could smell something buring and Phil said close up the RV there was prairie fires going on and causing heavy smoke. Well you know the routine--I grabbed a towell to breath thru and couldn't sleep. Could not believe now uncomfortable it was. I wanted to go somewhere just to get a breath of fresh air. Talk about Panic it was not a good night. The morning sun brought a new day and fresher air. I'm one who sleeps with the window open and if not I get up in the middle of the night,open the door so I can get fresh air. I'm still coughing, lots of phlegm, and throat hurts.
Aren't you all glad you tuned in. I'm so sorry about this blog. We are in Kansas City, Mo this week and then we are heading north to Ne, back to Ks (for the musical the girls are in 4-17-19) and then back to Ne and Ia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is "Hog Wild" maybe I'm not sure but "Hogs Gone Wild" makes me see big pigs standing on thier back legs twirling a bikini top in one hoof and a beer in the other...