Sunday, March 29, 2009


some one out there help me. I want to put a picture on my blog from my email. HOW DO I DO THAT?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

clarification of my post

Went to correct and do spell check and hit the wrong button and posted the following blog with all the mistakes soooooooo please read it with the understanding that it wasn't proof read first.

what a week

We came home from KC last week to take mom and dad to Uncle Noel's 85th birthday party and had a bonus. We were able to attend one of Asa's soccer games. He is fun to watch, he really enjoys playing. Here he is on the left with Brennan who went with us to watch Asa play. They are good friends as well as cousins.

On to Uncle Noel's birthday. Here is Uncle Noel, Uncle Doug (the baby) and my Mom. Uncle Noel is in a care home now due to his alzheimers is getting worse and his wife isn't able to do for him (she is behind them). My cousin Kelly (Doug's daughter) is on the right. It was a happy time with a touch of saddness. Uncle Noel looks older and alittle unkept (he was always dressed UP and looking sharp) Uncle Doug came in a wheel chair (has nuopthropy in his legs) and then mom who looked great and was misty eyed. She asked Noel if he knew who she was and he said he recognized her voice as they hugged. He didn't know who I was.

We left for KC and then to Beloit well Clay Center just happens to be on the way and they just happened to have a doz nut rolls. We bought one doz (surprise- we usually buy 15). B u t since the weather got bad and we couldn't go to Wichita this weekend, they we in line for 6-10 of snow, we headed to Omah, Ne and now we have to eat the rolls. I hate when that happens.

We ended our week in Cawker City, Ks the home of the world's largest ball of string. WOW this farmer needed to go out and plant another row of wheat. Nothing else in town to see or do and once you have seen this ball of string you leave as soon as you can. And since a blizzard was moving in we sped out of there pretty fast but we had one more stop to make on our way to our next job.

OK so we didn't go to New York. This one is in the Glen Elder, Ks in there town square. This town square is one of a kind. One every corner there is a sign telling us what church season it is. So now there is the story of Easter. It was good to see.

Time to get moving again. Need to be in Omaha, Ne Monday for work but we wanted to get out of the weather also. Besides during Lent the Catholic Church's have fish suppers on Friday. And Phil loves fish suppers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

merle and smoke

Well you thought they were just in California. Nope right on the streets of Valley Center. No one is safe. On the Left is Phil, then Laramie and then Jon. They were off for a road trip. Not like the one that Tim Allen took in Hogs gone Wild. They made it home safely after eating to much bar-b-q, it was a very pretty day to ride.
While in town to see the doctor last week I won tickets to see Merle Haggard from KFDI. It was at a casino in OK and we were working less than 20 miles away. Phil always wanted to see him. We got there and stood in a line that snaked its way thru the parking lot. I kept stepping out of line because the man in front of us was smoking only to find out when we got into the big circus tent that you COULD smoke. The place was packed and the people were setting up more folding chairs so we grabbed two on the end of the row across from one of the exits, 2/3 of the way back. We couldn't see the stage hardly and the two screens they had were almost as useless, the sound system didn't exist. Do I sound ungrateful?
John Anderson, Seminole fame, looked old and hard but we could hear him sorta. In between sets (30-40mins) the people got up got more beer smoked more and talked. Then Merle came on Phil said he looked like a ghost and was probably better 20 years ago. The people never quit talking. I would say 10% of the people left after his first couple of songs. I felt so sorry for Merle and the way people disrespected him. The casino was celebrating 1 year and tossed out T-shirts, hence my face mask. It was so smokey I couldn't breath and then they turned the fans on which brought cold cold air thru those life breathing exits. I was not a happy camper. But I got to see, well sorta of, Merle's bus.

I coughed so much that the next morning I woke up coughing up blood. Then we moved to Chanute, KS for our next job and before going to bed I could smell something buring and Phil said close up the RV there was prairie fires going on and causing heavy smoke. Well you know the routine--I grabbed a towell to breath thru and couldn't sleep. Could not believe now uncomfortable it was. I wanted to go somewhere just to get a breath of fresh air. Talk about Panic it was not a good night. The morning sun brought a new day and fresher air. I'm one who sleeps with the window open and if not I get up in the middle of the night,open the door so I can get fresh air. I'm still coughing, lots of phlegm, and throat hurts.
Aren't you all glad you tuned in. I'm so sorry about this blog. We are in Kansas City, Mo this week and then we are heading north to Ne, back to Ks (for the musical the girls are in 4-17-19) and then back to Ne and Ia.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

birthday party etc

We sang Happy Birthday to them they blew out the candles and opened presents. Yes we celebrated birthdays today. Laramie's birthday was March 6th and Asa's was March 3. If you notice the cake, it is another sheet cake and boy was it good we still have Ivy's birthday March 20 so maybe we can have another sheet cake. Just kidding Just kidding. Laramie made home made ice cream-Phil had a problem with it though. He said there just wasn't enough. We took some up to Sedgwick for mom and dad they eat every bite.
Michelle and Laramie cooked hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill outside, had potato salad and baked beans which were forgotten but remembered just in time to finish off the meal. Looks like the kids are all having a great time eating. The food was all so good and we all had a good time.

This looks just like any other fancy house to you maybe but to Cambree it is her castle. She can't get in to it because the King has the key and it is locked. She likes to go see it. I said we need to go to Crum Castle in Wichita and show that to her.
Here is our little Princess in her realm, the Wal-Mart parking lot dancing for all the world to see. It was terribly windy but she was enjoying herself. When we left Wal-Mart she was wearing Princess flip flops (grandma can't so no). Ivy actually had 3 pair and Laramie had 1 pair of flip flops. Laramie is pretty conservative Ivy is "if you have it spend it" and she had it.
All three girls auditioned for the children's musical HONK playing April 17th weekend. Audrey is a goose, Laramie a rabbit and Ivy a pig. Can't wait to see it we already have the weekend off for it. It is put on by the Wichita Children's Musical Society (something like that). Pictures will come along when that is put on but set the weekend aside for attending.

Friday, March 6, 2009

We had a family meal at Terry and Barbs home before we left to go back out on the road. I suggested everyone bring something they liked to eat that mom made. Well I brought pork chops baked in cream corn. No one but Terry remembered that. I think Mom fixed tomato soup for Greg and Patty on that night. Kathy and Greg brought chicken and noodles (soooooo good) and green beans. Patty and Mike brought bread pudding and it tasted almost as good as moms. Terry and Barb made coleslaw (Kathy said it tasted like moms) and red jello with bananas and marshellows, it was really good too. The sheet cake you see is really a family get together MUST and so Kathy did bring it along after my urging. Thanks Kathy. Rick and Shirley were missed and we didn't even talk much about yous. We did have a great time remembering our growing up days and I was wondering if we all came from the same home haha.

Asa invited us to his Blue and Gold Banquet over the weekend. He got several pins and awards. The food is all home cooked by parents and the tables are decorated by the boys. They put on a couple skits (pretty funny). Thanks for asking us to come Asa.

Here is the
cleaned up
working Phil.
He grew his hair and beard while we were off work then cleaned up when we went back. I hate to see him cut and shave, I guess I'm just use to the old one.
He had his treadmill test and it came back just fine so did his blood work. Well his bad choles is high and his good choles is low, and the other numbers are high that should be low etc. So he will have more lab on 3-10 hopefully we can get this being tired all the time under controll
We have given our 3 month notice to TK. We have enjoyed our travels with them but it is time for us to do something else. We will stay alittle longer than the 3 months but this is our last year.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Here is our ASA Happy Birthday

I have to start here due to the fact I didn't know how to save and down load pictures before this.

Isn't he great!! Look at that smile. Asa is guite a young man

who can do anything, but doesn't set out to set the world

on fire. But could if he wanted too.

Asa is a wonderful soccer player he hustles after the ball and isn't afraid to get into the mix of things. Here he is the goal keeper. If I remember correctly while I was taking this picture his mom was yelling at him to watch the ball.
We tried to call him earlier today to sing Happy Birthday to him and guess what he was at soccer practice. Anxious to watch some of his games this spring. Go Asa

Here he is in the lazy river with his dad. We all had a great time at this indoor water park. He enjoyed the slide especially when he went down with his mom and got her good and wet.

We took the kids on a tour of a cement plant-not sure they enjoyed it but looks like they were having a good time with the safety glasses and hard hats on.

Went to Steamboat Arabia in Kansas City and he enjoyed that. The kids spent the weekend with us boy was that fun. We went to work and they stayed by themselves for a few hours and did wonderful.

For Christmas he and Ivy were two of the three Kings. If you look closely you can see with his big smile that he is finally missing a couple teeth. He has been real slow loosing those teeth.

We were able to be home and attend his Blue and Gold Banquet this past weekend. Isn't he happy (and when are you going to get that hair cut)

Gee now I sound like my Grandad did.

His mom and dad painted his face. The signs of the bear. It is a pretty neat part of the ceremony. The boys enjoyed the face painting and then they put on a real cute skit. Asa has really enjoyed his time in Boy Scouts and plans on continuing. He always has pop corn to sell if anyone needs some.

His mom is looking pretty proud of her son as one of his scout leaders shakes his hand after he has gotten all of his awards (which he got quite a few of).

Asa is a very caring guy but has an onrey side to him with a sly little smile which gives it away. He is good in school and loves his grandma more (Asa and my joke).
Asa we love you and wish we could have been there tonight to help you celebrate but we will be home this weeked and you tell mom she has to bake a birthday cake then too. Love, prayers and special kisses and hugs on this your special day. (I tried to do this earlier today and lost the pictures and then had to go to work so I'm going to push the publish button and pray this work.)
Grandma and Grandpa