Wednesday, March 13, 2013

San Antonio 2013

This is the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, Tx. It is a WWII Aircraft Carrier and the first one to carry women (1980) Tokyo Rose nicknamed it the "Blue Ghost" because the Japanese reported it sunk 4 different times. It carried 3,000 people during WWII. You could play 3 football games or 14 basketball games on it at the same time. HUGE

The Whooping Cranes are an amazing bird. They are the tallest North American Bird.  They have there own festival in Port Aransas this time of year.  This birds migrate from Canada here.  They have a 5 foot wing span, weight of 16# and a total body length of 52". They are endangered.  They mate for life and when the pair wake up in the morning they "call" out together. They got there name from the "whooping" sound they make and it is loud.  I wanted to see them fly (the black tips on their wings) and I wanted to hear there sound, after waiting for a little over a half hour we got to hear and see them.  It was a wonderful site. They are BIG birds and LOUD.

Here in San Antonio there city workers clean the street light poles.  There vehicle is a 3 wheel bike with a barrel on the back for their tools.  City is clean.

The River Walk at night.  We listened to a 90 minute time share talk and they gave us 2 boat tickets ($8.95 each) and $50.  OK I know your saying that we are cheap. Had a great boat ride and saw the walk at night.  Went back the next day and walked it by day.
OK I said we went back the next day.  We sat thru another time share for 90 minutes and they gave us $80 and kept us in out of the rain.  I know we are cheap but we enjoyed the town for free.  This mariachi band played for the couple behind us while we feasted on the food by the water again.  That couple paid them $15 we enjoyed them for free.

If I remember correctly this is St Marks Lutheran church.
Transportation in San Antonio. Rent the bikes and return them at another bike stand somewhere else in the city.
You know I am fascinated by the houses and buildings and this is just 2 of the pictures we took.  Mighty interesting aren't they!

You see an arch like this over many cemeteries around the country.  What I thought was unusual was the wording. San Jose Burial Park.
We had a good time in San Antonio, the weather was great, ok it was rainy but we enjoyed that part too, the people were so nice and good food.
When I see a person in military uniform I will usually tell them Thank You for their service.  But, I have to admit,  at the River Walk I didn't.  I couldn't, because every  other person was in uniform.  There are 2 training bases near here and they enjoy there leaves with family here. 

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